Movies To Watch When on Drugs...


Active Member
Anything, shrooms, pills, don't matter, what movies are much better under the influence? I'll start with a must see whether your high on some bomb, or taking shrooms [preferably for this flick]


Best part of the trailer is from 2:10 on. One of the best movies I ever seen. I'm no fan of musicals, not even Grease really, but this movie is fucking great. Must see for Beatles fans. Movies don't have to relate to drugs at all either, I would even say 'The Grinch Who Stole Xmas' is better on drugs. Lol.


Well-Known Member
Fear and loathing I watched for the first time on lucy.

Enter the Void (one of the most unique and terrifying movie to watch high)

Pineapple express :P


Active Member
<iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe>
The HTML is corrupted I think dude...

Fear and loathing I watched for the first time on lucy.

Enter the Void (one of the most unique and terrifying movie to watch high)

Pineapple express :P
Haha, excellent, this is exactly why I made this thread! For shit like this [Enter the Void] just looked it up, sounds/looks awesome! Will be checking that out tonight probably. Much thanks.


Well-Known Member
oddsac. If you are a fan of indie music its animal collectives music(trippy shit) with a whole bunch of trippy video happening and it kinda has like a holy story. Like you notice different patterns in the story when you are tripping. Of course there is no real story, but in your head there is. Its pretty much just a trippy involved mindfuck. Watching it sober is OK, but I suggest lsd lmao


Well-Known Member
Watership Down... It's a cartoon but not for kids. I was so fucked up when I watched this movie. It would not be good on acid I don't think...

The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia... WOW.

Chem Dawg

New Member
I second fear & loathing. Also "Donnie Darko" is a mind fuck. Natural born killers, scanner darkly, pans labrynth ... Shit I could go on for days.


Active Member
I second fear & loathing. Also "Donnie Darko" is a mind fuck. Natural born killers, scanner darkly, pans labrynth ... Shit I could go on for days.
Yeah I love Fear & Loathing, underrated movie, but a cult-classic nonetheless. Natural Born Killers, another cult-classic, as well as Donnie Darko... I'm beginning to see a trend here. Most drug movies become cult-classics, huh? Lol... haven't seen pans Labyrinth yet but been wanting too... Scanner Darkly is a favorite of mine as well. Please, go on if you can lol.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Alice in Wonderland ('51) and Willy Wonka ('71). Fantasia (any classic Disney cartoon). Kubrick films (2001: A Space Oddity of course). Pixar Films (I recommend Finding Nemo). All holiday specials from the 60's and 70's. How the Grinch stole Christmas being a prime candidate. The new one with Jim Carrey was surprisingly good. :)


Well-Known Member
Original Faces of death
Terror Planet
any Kung Fu movie with english over dub ya know hwere the mouth moves 8 times and in english he says OK


Active Member
Original Faces of death
Terror Planet
any Kung Fu movie with english over dub ya know hwere the mouth moves 8 times and in english he says OK
Not a fan of the Faces Of Death movie, overrated in my opinion. An I usually like shit like that, but Terror Planet is a classic! An we all know the dubbed Kung Fu movies are a must. Lol.


Active Member
Spun definetly an intense movie, the first time i saw it i was sober and still thought it was one of the craziest movies id ever seen

Chem Dawg

New Member
Yeah I love Fear & Loathing, underrated movie, but a cult-classic nonetheless. Natural Born Killers, another cult-classic, as well as Donnie Darko... I'm beginning to see a trend here. Most drug movies become cult-classics, huh? Lol... haven't seen pans Labyrinth yet but been wanting too... Scanner Darkly is a favorite of mine as well. Please, go on if you can lol.

Tell me about it.. Requiem for a dream is trippy as shit also.. That movie will def trigger some emotions. Pie ( it's title is the mathematical sign for pie ). The new charlie and the chocolate factory.. Pretty much any movie with Johnny dep is fucked.. Alice in wonderland was good. Speed racer. Devils rejects . The labrynth ( the original ). Taking wood stock has a great vibe to it. Half baked is so fucking colorful it's a good one too. And I believe the movie is called metropia.. I'll double check the last one but it's gonzo.