My First Grow w/ pics


heyyyy guys hows it goin? well ive tried growin a few times and had cat problems and dog problems but no more animals now :D


Theres 3 different ones, each are under 200watt cfl and one of the plants is under 3 way cfl
sprout date was 1-4-2010

Since sprout they have been on constant 24 hours, do i keep em on 24 or switch them to a different light cycle?

soil is jus regular soil from calloways, 2 of them are in kinda small planters but im gettin ready to transplant them tonight.


Active Member
looks pretty decent dude. one suggestion 1st.. if that shrub looking thing in the same pot isnt canabis. i would remove it asap
EDIT: For cfl you want 6500k for VEG and 2700k or lower for FLOWER.... you can veg for as long as you like. i would also suggest 18/6 light period instead of 24hrs a day. switch to 12/12 when your ready to flower. hope their female. good luck


yaaa man i dono wut that lil bush is ill take it out, and hey when do i top them? i had 2 other plants that started growin lil clusters of balls all over the place and i would take them off and squeeze em and a puss would come out, so it was most likely a male right?