my first poem, what do u think?


Active Member
your body is a temple, you gotta eat wise, care for a surprise chemicals in food are drugs duh. what no one ever told chyeah?they change the way you perceive, making you believe in the false world view. deceived, making you not question why? the media always lies, you read enough you start to see, all your lost potential that coulda been, thrown away due to lack of thought, always repeating the cycle following the ignorant flock ,thimerosal a mercury based preservative long used in childhood vaccines, don't you hear the childrens screams? the more you get the numb-er you are, making you not care who you truly are, for from seed you dont stand a chance, because no one cares to take a glance , outside the mainstream box, expand your mind, pft never mind the masses would rather laze on their ass, and give that a pass , for the truth to life lies within yourself,

what? your following a church run by someone else? sheep herd mentality, your owners got you well trained, you think your free? truth further explained, they print money out of nothing trillions galore, devaluing the dollar stealing from the poor, inflation's the name, soon to be at your local store, to them we are nothing but consumer, debt slaves, guinea pigs, no more, minimum wage goes up a tad while prices still soar. the world is changing you better not let the reality train depart , you are soo far outa touch with reality you want no part. because the majority do not understand, whats spoken by myslef and my fellow man with a like minded plan , revolution will never be seen,not much to see when your blind?not that anyone cares, all i get is blank stares, i can only show the door , it takes a smart enough person to to find out for them self, what the world is really about, one last major pissoff thing,is that truth is always the first to be beheaded before the king.


Active Member
thanks illmat1c, im not into poetry either really, i was just sitting the other day, no pot to smoke, so i thought id give it a try, and thanks superhighme for going ez on me lol,