My grow room (pics) need advice


Active Member
Im slowly getting together all the things I need to start my first grow ever. I have a TV stand which I have tipped onto its side and put in my closet.

I will firstly coat the inside of the glass doors and inside the box with mylar or reflective white plastic. The measurements are 15" x 20" x 38"

My medium for growing, I thought maybe use the DWC bubbler made from a tote I saw in a DIY thread which looks good.

My lighting not 100% yet maybe a 150w HPS or might take the CFL route.

My seeds have turned up today, all feminised.

G13 Haze
White Rhino

Here a a few picxs of my cabinet, can anyone give me some hints and tips how to make this as good a grow as possible on a budget.

My main concern to be honest is the smell when the flowering starts, I must sort all these things out before I even think about germination.

Cheers guys look forward to your much needed advice.


Well-Known Member
my advice is grow bag seed til you get an idea of how it's gonna work out you dont want to mess up your good seeds unless they are that easy for you to get and inexpensive my thoughts :peace:


Active Member
Im not sure just yet.

Im thinking around 3 plants under 150W HPS or maybe a 250w CFL depends what is available for a cheap enough price.

Mainly I just want to know, will a carbon scrubber/filter DIY jobbie be enuff to take away all the smell totally? When the cabinet is closed or will there be a fair amount of smell during the later flowering stages no matter what i do.


Well-Known Member
i would just paint the inside flat white matt.
i would just use flos to start with the seedlings and the 1st few weeks of vegg.
while your plants are starting to set off growing.
i would use that little closet thing you have.
but i think with it been metal it will get too hot.
anyway while your seeds are starting in your little closet.

while your seeds are starting off just use your flos.
but in the mean time get an old wood closet or make one and also get a 250 to 400 hps for past 2 to 3 weeks vegg, then put your plants under your hps in your bigger closet.
i always start plants off with flos then move to my other bigger closet for 12/12.

its best to have 2 grow areas then you can grow in stages.
when i grow indoors i grow 2 plants every 2 weeks.
so i can harvest every 2 weeks.

but that little metal closet is way too small. and will get too hot.

also flos are good for babys and vegg, but no good for 12/12 unless you have 4 to 8 t5s flos what end up costing more than hps.
you need blue/white light spec for vegg/seedlings/clones etc...
and hps for 12/12.
if you dont do this it will be a waste.

how big did you plan you plants to get to " full size"
and how many plants are you inteanding on growing at one time.

also fem seeds easy turn hermie if you stress them at any time
light leaks in your dark period
or if you dont have a timer.
my 1st 4 fem seed grows i did ended up hermie.

so when you goto 12/12 make sure you have a timer. and make sure your 12/12 is bang on.
12 light
12 dark period with no lights leaks.

also how tall is your closet?.

if you need any help or advice just ask anytime?.

where you from?.


Active Member
its 38 inch's tall by 15 by 20

Its wooden, bought it from IKEA a few years ago, the front doors are glass sliding doors and once i cover the inside of them no light can leak out.

I planned on growing the plants to around 8 or 10 inch's before flowering so they didnt grow too big. And growing 3 plants in there at a time!

I already have timers I bought ages ago still in the box.


Well-Known Member
yes bagseed is good for a 1st grow.
and fem seeds sound easyer but are very hard to not send hermie, esp if your new to growing.

another good starter strain is sk#1 and ice but i wouldnt go fem 1st time you grow.

like the above man said try to learn how to grow prop before you start with the fem and harder strains.

your trying to run before you can walk.


Active Member
Ive already bought the fem seeds there here in front of me.

I had no idea they would be so hard to to grow without them going hermie, im sure im not that bad at growing that im gonna stress them out that much.

If I just do a soil grow for my first run and do everything correctly why would they not come out to be good females.

Maybe im just stupid but are they really that difficult to grow? I hope not