My grow room setup (PICS)


Well-Known Member
Made a wooden wall with a door in the basement nice little room keeps everything hidden and in their own environment, running 2 400 watts and 4 150w cfls all cord and wires tucked, all power is ran outside of room to ballast and timer the ballast are always being cooled by a fan , water reservoir is oxygenated with a bubbler running fox farm nutes


you never know. pics of grows are probably ok, but a pic of you or someone you know standing next to the grow is pretty much a no no.

ive posted pics of my grows on here and a couple other sites but never with anything that could identify me or someone i know as the grower.

i also change my accounts every year or so.


Well-Known Member
got a little info for ya buddy, they already gotcha this little thing called an IP address every computer and router has one, what im saying is, is light one, inhale and relax now if your not guna believe me thats fine take embassy route and BURN EVERYTHING!!! or just realize your local and state agencies definitely dont give a fuck nor have the time for gardeners, and the dea has 2500 agents worldwide and at the DEA they love this thing called their salary and job security so if they really wanted to, trust me none of would be on here nor free men. also looking at this where would you begin? using shitty 200x150 cell phones shots would be a joke in court where as the 1million ppl on youtube making HD grow op with video proof! thats what they want


Well-Known Member
they also want ppl that have things like cars and money, so if your renting and really dont have jack shit the DEA really isnt guna get jack shit out of you no house, no cars, no wads of cash to take home in pocket.


Well-Known Member
not trying to be a dick just saying sometime you gotta think, they are humans too. It really all just comes down to how you deal with police, never be scared the second they hear a crack in your voice ur busted, im very well trained but if you were to never talk to a cop a majority ive delt with come up with crazy ridicules lies of what they can do and they can legally lie but what cant legally do is illegally enter your house. And the supreme court ruled police must have a warrant to use a foward looking infared device, WOOT WOOT!!! besides without us there isnt a war on drugs and again if there isnt a war on drugs theres no need for the employees at the DEA, honestly its the american government if they really cared this website and all of would be in jail.


Well-Known Member
While I agree with most of the things you have stated about us being "small fry". It still is better to make them work for it as opposed to handing them what they want on a silver platter. Pics of faces and grows has, is and will always be a lesser idea than not.
My $.02

Peace and Very Nice Grow
