My ladies =)


Well-Known Member
My ladies started showing white hairs last week and as we enter September, I am a little shaky if they will be ready. They are in the ground. How much of a frost can they handle? The way it looks they won't be done til middle of October.

I've been feeding them blood meal for veg and now bone meal with molasses for flowering. I topped them like 3 weeks or so ago.




Well-Known Member
Im in NC and my plant has yet to show signs of flowering too. Im pretty sure they can handle a frost or two if it warms up the next day but too much and they will die. Although my first frost here is about end of oct or first days of nov


Well-Known Member
Updated pix of my girls. Gave them a nice feeding today. Had some rain yesterday. This weekend is suppose to be beautiful. yay

How long do you think I have? They are almost 6ft tall.

On the last pic, there's some black stuff in one of the buds. Is it something I should worry about? Anybody know whats up with that?



Well-Known Member
This one is in a container. The weather has been holding up here in the NE. How much longer? I'm thinking first week of November! We haven't hit a frost here and it hasn't came close to it yet.
