My New California Light Works 200-watt VegMaster


Active Member

Here are pics of my new California Light Works 200-watt VegMaster. I absolutely love this thing.

It's being used to veg 3 plants inside a 32" x 32" x 60" tent. I'll flower under a 600-watt HPS.

The directions say to keep the light at least 18 inches above the plants.

This LED light generates less heat than a comparable T5 light. And vegging under the LED has produced EXCELLENT results.


Well-Known Member
I get 210 watts from a 2'x4' four bulb T5 fixture And I can keep it close if I want.

I still don't think we are over the hump on LED, sort like hybrid cars.
How many people do you know with a hybrid?
I know One!

HID lighting is still the best thing available for the cost to buy and run.

thats seems to be the board consensus as I read it.


Active Member
My light cost $150, how much is your LED?
My light cost $400, but I can afford it. It performs better than T5, and just as good as MH, with no heat issues whatsoever. It takes up little space, and the fact that I can keep it 18" above the plants is a huge convenience factor.

LEDs have caught up with HIDs and T5s for vegging, in every category except cost. But cost is a big factor for some people, and for good reason, I know. But I'm glad I bought my LED. The alternative was a $173 2x2 8-bulb T5 fixture that would require bulb changes every 9 months (on a 24/0 veg schedule). After about 3 years of bulb changes, the cost would be comparable to the LED light I bought. The LED I bought, on a 24/0 veg schedule, needs no bulb changes for 3 years.

In 1981, a very slow and limited PC cost over $5000. Today, a PC that rivals all the computers aboard the Apollo moon missions costs less than $500. Technology advances.

I'm not trying to start a flame war here. I was just reporting my good results and satisfaction with my new LED.


Active Member
I get 210 watts from a 2'x4' four bulb T5 fixture And I can keep it close if I want.

I still don't think we are over the hump on LED, sort like hybrid cars.
How many people do you know with a hybrid?
I know One!

HID lighting is still the best thing available for the cost to buy and run.

thats seems to be the board consensus as I read it.
With all due respect, for T5 lighting, it's not that "you CAN keep it close if you want". Rather, it's that "you MUST keep it close for good results".

I've been in your boat. I kept the T5 2 inches above my plants. And it caused heat issues, and I had to "raise" the light every day to tend to my plants, and "lower" the light after I got done tending to my plants. This is all negated with my LED light because I can keep the light 18 inches above the canopy and still get great results.

Face it. For vegging, as far as performance is concerned, LEDs have arrived. Cost-wise, not quite. But performance-wise, hell yes. Based upon my results and the convenience factor, I'll NEVER use anything except LEDs for vegging. But if you're strapped for cash, T5s provide a pretty good alternative for a reduced price.


Well-Known Member
I'm looking to replace a pair of 4' x 8 bulb T5 fixture with LEDs myself - at least for 1 of the pair, heat being a big factor... I wish I had started off with just going with LEDs...