MY plant just showed hermi signs... can i prune?


Active Member
hey i have two beautiful babies, one fine large female doin her thing, and another one about 3/4 as large that just showed white hairs!!!!! and then the next day grew a couple balls ;( there are so few right now im wondering if i can just keep up with pruning those little fuckers off when i see em coming in and if the bud/plant will still grow fine.

I understand there may be some poillen sacs in the buds?

but i guess that wouldnt be a problem (free seeds?) as long as it doesn't fuck up and pollenate the other female

any suggestions? it just hermied today, so there must still be time to deal with it properly! no?


Well-Known Member
you can try to remove them as they grow, but if you miss even one it could seed your whole crop so be very very careful.