my seed is not germenating..


Well-Known Member
i took my seed put it in towel wet the towel with like room temp water so its not to cold or warm and i put it in a cup so the water wudnt get all over.. its been like 30 hours.. or more and nuthin has happen.. is there sumtin that i did wrong or nething?


Well-Known Member
either it will germinate in the water or you could still put it between 2 paper towells in a dark place. or its just a seed that wont germinate. i had a seeded bud of some purple indica and out of 20 somethin seeds only eight germinated. the rest i threw away after maby 5 days of waiting even though they looked live and sank to the bottom of the cup. thats another thing, your seed should sink if its live


Well-Known Member
either it will germinate in the water or you could still put it between 2 paper towells in a dark place. or its just a seed that wont germinate. i had a seeded bud of some purple indica and out of 20 somethin seeds only eight germinated. the rest i threw away after maby 5 days of waiting even though they looked live and sank to the bottom of the cup. thats another thing, your seed should sink if its live
so i shud drop it in a cup of water.. and it drops to da bottom leave it sit there n germinate?


Smoky McPot
its only been 30 hrs so u still have some time to wait but here is a technique that has always gotten me 100% germination. Paper towel, get it wet just as you did, put the seeds in it and fold it over. Stick it in a plastic baggie and seal it. Stick the baggie somewhere that it wont get ANY light and wait at least a day. Should be a warm place too


Well-Known Member
its only been 30 hrs so u still have some time to wait but here is a technique that has always gotten me 100% germination. Paper towel, get it wet just as you did, put the seeds in it and fold it over. Stick it in a plastic baggie and seal it. Stick the baggie somewhere that it wont get ANY light and wait at least a day. Should be a warm place too
yup actully i just did that so i gota wait till tommorow again .. lol thnx tho