National Cultivation and Consumption Permit

There’s some thought that if the government could find a way to make money off of it, legalization would happen sooner rather than later. How many people would be willing to get behind a proposal for a $100 per year Small Scale Cultivation and Consumption card that would permit the holder to pay a $100 fee in order to cultivate up to 12 plants, possess up to sixteen ounces of usable product, and transfer as a gift (not sell) up to one ounce of material to another person? The $100 would be split between the Federal and the State government, i.e., both layers of government would get a cut. This would:
-Increase government revenues
-Reduce government spending for arrest and imprisonment
-Close the so-called gateway to other drugs, as marijuana users would not need to buy from criminal dealers
-Destroy the profits of organized criminal drug gangs
What do you think? How much support would there be for something along this line?


Well-Known Member
i love it, granted it shouldnt be this damn difficult to grow one of god's plants but since it is i think that is a great idea. I bet it would cost more though for the permit if that could be the case. More like the price of a small vendors license. I would pay either : ]


Well-Known Member
It would probably work more like those who produce liquor, wine, and other alcohol products. But it wouldn't end there (and maybe shouldn't). It could be taxed on the user end as well.

One thing though, if there are no limits on production for, say, vintners, why should there be production limits on growers?
The law will change when a majority of the Congress, the Senate, and the President vote in favor of legalization. Any Federal law can be changed by a majority of Congresspersons (218, Senators (51), and the President (1). What if each interested person spent five minutes making sure his or her Congressperson, Senators, and President vote for the changes he or she wanted? You don’t have to travel or organize a rally or spend much money (just a few bucks for stamps). What it’s going to take is a steady stream of letters to each Congressperson, each Senator, and the President. Here’s how to get them on board:
1) Go to to get the name and address of your Congressperson. This will take less than a minute. Do it now and you’ll have it out of the way.
2) Write the letter. Spend at least two or three minutes on it, check the spelling, and read it out loud to yourself to see if it makes sense. (Do this while your in a sensible frame of mind,). You don’t have to be a great writer; just stick to the point and keep it short, i.e, not more than one page.
3) Find friend to write a letter, too. Keep some writing paper, pens, envelopes and stamps handy so you can write together whenever you have company. This will encourage each other!
4) Repeat the process at least once a week. Make it your personal mission to do two things: Get a letter like this into the hands of your Congressperson, each Senator, and the President, every month (that’s four letters a month), and get some friends to do the same. SERIOUS NOTE from the world of politics: It only takes a dozen letters to create the impression of significant public interest; an elected official getting a dozen letters a week will really feel the public presence.

To see how it works, check out this School house rock video, “I’m just a bill” at YouTube - Schoolhouse Rock- How a Bill Becomes a Law
The Prohibitionists say mj leads to lack of motivation. Is it true, or will a few interested folks take this on and actually get this process moving?


Well-Known Member
I used to watch those when I was a kid. :) As you may remember, I'm already a long time political "activist" (depends on the cause). This is good stuff, Christian (my stepson's name is Christian).


Active Member
I really like your ideas, Christian, I've been planning for some time to write the Government, I'm sick of the negative stigma attached to Marijuana for no reason at all and have been ready to do something for some time. I appreciate the post, it's got me writing now.
What encouraging comments! It seems like the National Cultivation and Consumption Permit gets at a lot of the concerns of people have on both sides of the issue: reduces the profit motive for criminals, provides a safe source for consumers, and puts money into the public coffers. Right now, HR 5843 and HR 5842 get at some aspects of this and are in front of the Congress, so this is a great time for letters to our Congressmen and Congresswomen, asking them to support those two bills. You can go to to get the address for your Congressperson. Post back and let us know how they reply (so far, my Congressperson hasn't replied, and only one of my two Senators has replied. I take the lack of response as a good sign, e.g., they're not sure how to react. That uncertainty is a step in the direction of a changed mind... Sounds like it's time for me to get another letter to each of them!)


Active Member
Great stuff so far Christian. It sounds very promising, but, I think that we all know that it will take a right person - congressman or senator .,.etc.. to push this idea or any such bill in order for this to happen. Keep this going fellas, please!

.. I made this on another forum but, I think this speaks louder than words or specific forum/internet discussions when it comes to our hopes of legalization on this fantastic Herb. I am high at the moment, and just thinking about the possibility of this comming true gives me goosebumps :blsmoke:
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Great stuff so far Christian. It sounds very promising, but, I think that we all know that it will take a right person - congressman or senator .,.etc.. to push this idea or any such bill in order for this to happen. Keep this going fellas, please!
... just thinking about the possibility of this comming true gives me goosebumps :blsmoke:
Thanks for the feedback, Swanny! I've posted this thought on a half-dozen forums; you wouldn't believe the positive response! You're right about turning this into action, so get some stamps and envelopes and write that first letter! One of my Senators has already written me back the expected "Thanks for writing, but..." response; I've now written him again. Time for me to write my other Senator and my Congressperson again as well. Elected officials intepret letters as votes, so the more they hear from the Voters, the more inclined they are to go in that direction. Spread the word; get those letters flowing (and register to vote, too, if you're not already. If you don't vote, they don't listen.)!
Action Step: For right now, asking them to cosponsor HR 5842 and HR 5843 is a GREAT first letter!


Active Member
I recently wrote a letter to my state representative on an upcoming state bill.

Thank you for contacting the office of State Representative Barbara Sears with your concerns over SB 343, the Ohio Medical Compassion Act.
Representative Sears is aware of your concerns and she will be keeping them in mind as she reviews this legislation further.
We'll see what happens, not that this is anything big, but it's a start I suppose.


Well-Known Member
I recently wrote a letter to my state representative on an upcoming state bill.

We'll see what happens, not that this is anything big, but it's a start I suppose.
:o WowEE! She didn't dismiss you outright! WOW! Believe me when I tell you THAT'S SOMETHIN'.


Well-Known Member
The war has been moved to Michigan. This November they have the chance to be state 13 I believe to change state laws for decriminalization of pot. It needs to pass. If you know anybody in Michigan urge them to vote for the bill. The tide is changing we just need to stay with it. If you really want to help go to the NORML site and become a member and pay your dues for there lobbying in Washington D.C. Right now that is the best thing we can do. On the NORML site they have your congressman and other representatives for where you live. All you do is fill in your name and they send a letter to them about your wish for the reform of pot laws. I have done it ,it is painless.
What it’s going to take is a steady stream of letters to each Congressperson, each Senator, and the President. Here’s how to get them on board:
1) Go to to get the name and address of your Congressperson. This will take less than a minute. Do it now and you’ll have it out of the way.
2) Write the letter. Spend at least two or three minutes on it, check the spelling, and read it out loud to yourself to see if it makes sense. (Do this while your in a sensible frame of mind,). You don’t have to be a great writer; just stick to the point and keep it short, i.e, not more than one page.
3) Find friend to write a letter, too. Keep some writing paper, pens, envelopes and stamps handy so you can write together whenever you have company. This will encourage each other! Every little get-together, just pull out the writing paper and envelopes and knock out another letter. First to your Congressperson, then next week your Senator, then next week to your other Senator, etc. It's the regular contact from lots of interested voters that will make the difference. HR 5842 and 5843 are actually in the Congress RIGHT NOW, so this is no "maybe someday" kind of thing. This is the real deal!.

And what great feedback so far... Some Congressional letters that sound hopeful, so keep the letters going to them. Every letter is a nudge in the right direction!


Well-Known Member
I'd like to emphasize CC's point about being in a sensible frame of mind. Too often people write or call and are quite angry (often with reason), but allow their emotions to affect their communication. These people can too easily be dismissed. Be calm, reasonable, and assertive, and you cannot be so easily dismissed. :)