Need a 2nd opinion PLZ!!!


Active Member
it resembles nitrogen but ur soil looks pretty dry you should give seedlings a teaspoon of water a day or a 4oz cup


Active Member
how big is the pot you have them in. you really should have them in bar cups for the first two weeks. it promotes root growth. might want to consider putting them bitches in a cup.


Well-Known Member
you really shouldnt be using nutes at this stage of growth, there should be plenty in the soil for those seedlings.


Well-Known Member
You don't need to put them into cups at all....they have more room to grow where they are now thean they would in small cups. If you have added any nutes, then thats your problem. No nutes till 3 or 4 true leaf sets appear....right now I see 2.


Active Member
there are in 1 gal pots, i haven't added any nutes, the top of the soil was dry but i keep the soil moist, there on 24/24 light, lower older leaves keep turning yellow and dying, the new sets look good but once the leaf gets about and inch long it starts to get yellow tips and slowly spreads.


Well-Known Member
if your not using nutes like you said and the soil does not have any, then i would check ph, and if ph isnt the problem i would guess that you need more aireation for the roots.