Need advice on ph testers

Im in the market for a ph tester im goin to buy something offline since everything around here is seasonal and nobody carries anything right now need some advice on what you guys like dont want to spend alot right now so maybe just some test strips that work well for you but would like some advice on a good electronic also for later. I got screwed i got a digital that i know is junk because it says everything in the world is 6.5 lol :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
What kind of digital did you already try?

I realy don't like the strips or the drops-and-shake methods... they're really hard to gauge accurately, for me. I'd rather get exact numbers from a digital readout, personally.

Me and a couple dudes were just going on about this in my thread...

Giggles recommended this for fluid testing:

And Psuagro recommended a handful of digital soil testers, here's the quote:

Throw the liquid tester in the trash..........runoff means nothing. Need to know the MEDIUMS PH by using a soil ph tester, depending on your $$$ situation I recommend the following : expensive but dead accurate, if your planning on growing in soil long into the future it's worth the investment. cheaper and still quite accurate but has a short prefer to hit the root zone cheapest and still kinda accurate IF you polish the shit out of the probe with fine grit sand paper before each use, Can also buy the analog versions at HD or lowes for $15 bucks but you must use the sand paper and test RIGHT AFTER you water the girls...

test asap and see if your between 6-7.....then fix what's necessary(looks like a K def too me)..........good luck grower

As you can see, at the end there he specifically says that analog soil testers (and even that digital one from Rapitest) will give you bad readings UNLESS you polish the shit out of the probe with a fine grit sandpaper to get any tarnish off. He said do it RIGHT before testing.

You might want to give that a go before you invest in another one... don't know what you're using, but if that applies.


Well-Known Member
That is the one I put in an order for myself. :weed:

I was going to get the soil tester from rapitest but I decided I'd rather accurately gauge what I'm feeding for now, and invest in the more expensive soil testing kit when I can afford it.
Thanks for the quick replies fellas yea i went cheap and got cheap so guess i more so screwed myself lol yea im broke right now lol switchin jobs thank i got one today though hopefully. Im kinda stumped on what to i got a HSO trainwreck 4 weeks in flower and the leaves are kinda doin some curlng under and tips are curling have not fed it for about a week and didnt feed it alot when i did. Should i flush it you think with ph balanced water where do i get ph balanced water?
That bluelab looks good dif have to save a few more dollars back along with the dollars for a whole new grow room lol never ends if i was a dealer and not smokin up all the profit lol :weed: