Need advice with yellowing plant groth


Active Member
I just started my very first grow and decided to go ewb and flow with rockwool 6 inche cubes...

I started with clones,3 hindu cush+shunk and 3 grand daddy purple...
They are 2 weeks 2 days old and about 1 week ago,they started to get yellow on the new growth and contiue to do so no matter what i do...

I have flushed with plane water 2 times now and have cut back on my nutes to half, Botanicare liqued karma and pure blend pro...

I was also watering 2 times a day and now have cut back to everyother day once a day, The cubes never dry out so i took the plastic wrap off of the sides too dry faster... here are a couple pic's...hope you can see...




Well-Known Member
ok, this is problem that I was having for quite some time. It was a little different for me cuz I was using soil and hand feeding but essencially it is the same problem.

when you are new to this you can mistake burn for deffencacy. I really think that your plants may not be getting fed enough. They are probably hungry for nitrogen. being that they were flushed 2 times that is saying a lot right there. They are really hungry now. Give them a half strenght nute and ph the water. Make sure you are adding mg if you are using RO water or distilled.\\
\Give them some more food and see how they do. If you get you nutrition down they will be doing great!!


Active Member
Thanks for the reply...
I have done what you have said and the new growth is still coming out discolored... Also, when i flushed them, on 2 different days, I feed them right away because i was not sure if i was to wait for next feeding...

Should the roots be coming through the bottom of the cubes by now, the plants are 8 to 11 inches tall and i can not find any where, on how often to water the cubes, The GDP's are getting over watered...
