Need Aerogarden Help Please


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Hi these are my plants in the 1st picture they are 6 days old seedlings, the 2nd picture is 2 weeks old but the one im having trouble with, i have done my nutirent tab and the water ph is 6.4 i have the light on 20 hours on 4 hours off and the fan 24 hours these are auto seeds but as you can see its going yellow with brown tips. im new to this and cant see what im doing wrong i have been following the aerogarder guide on here. any help is appericated many thanks


Well-Known Member
Tomboys3: First I'd ditch the A/G nutes. They weren't designed for what we're up to. Most of the guys I've known who used them had nutrient problems that boiled down to too much or not enough. Almost any major brand of nutes would be better. I've used Technaflora's, "Recipe for Success," for the last three years in my A/G's with no complaints and it's very user friendly. Their sample kit will last you a long time in an A/G.

I'd drop your pH down to 5.5 to 6.0 with 5.8 being ideal. At 6.4 I think you may be locking out a lot of necessary nutrients.

The brown tips could be nute burn and the yellow growth is likely to be nutrient lock out form your pH being too high. Also it's a good idea to check your pH daily because with that little 112 ounces of reservoir you're apt to see some drastic pH swings in 24 hours, especially when they really start feeding. You might want to wash out your reservoir weekly and dump your old nutes too.

You need to remember that A/G's were designed to grow culinary herbs and veggies with their nutes and keep them in a perpetual state of vegetation for continuous harvest. I've had a lot of fun with my A/G's but A/G won't be much help if they think you're growing M/J. You might want to read Cervants's Bible. HSA


Active Member
Hi thanks for your help it's my first time grow so I wanted to see how I get on with the neuts tabs and my ph rises high in a few hours is there a good way to keep it low Todaythere looking alot more green not yellow so looks like getting better thanks anyway


Well-Known Member
Tomboys3: the rise in pH is due to the change in the nutrient solution. Without getting into a lot of chemistry I forgot about forty years ago, your little plants are munching away at their nutrients, changing the chemistry of the solution. That's why we have to readjust the pH daily. As they consume their nutes the solution becomes more alkali and it will eventually lock out necessary elements. If you look at the General Hydroponics Test Kit Color Chart you'll see that most of the necessary elements are consumed between 5.0 and 6.0. That's why 5.8 is considered ideal. I usually set mine closer to 5.5 to last the full 24 hours to the next adjustment.

How many plants are you trying to grow in your A/G? One is easy, two is okay, but three gets to be a lot of work. More than three is a fool's errand. Three plants munching away at your nutes in that tiny 112 ounces reservoir changes a daily ritual of correcting pH to a chore that has to be done more frequently or your nutes get locked out. If you understand what I just said you're okay, but if you didn't then you have a lot of homework ahead of you.

I'm glad to hear your plants seem to be making a coming back. What you saw was probably nothing more than plant shock brought on by nutrient deficiency and incorrect pH regulation. To survive the last two or three million years they had to be tough. I hope this helps. HSA


Active Member
Hi thanks for your help I understand what u mean I'm only going to use earogarden till about 6 inch tall and then I want to switch to soil thanks for your help am. I best off. Makeing a barrel on water up and change res water Dailey ? Thanks Tom


Active Member
Waz good" first don't use aerogarden tabs they suck major ass and will kill your plant in a heartbeat plus your pump use aerogarden liquid nutes they work better way way better check out my getto nutes post for aerogarden hope it helps


Well-Known Member
Tomboys3: if you get your garden growing one thing you'll want to consider is protecting your pump. That little sponge square at the pump intake won't keep out anything much smaller than boulders. You can buy a pump sock at a hydro store for $7 to $10 or you can buy a pair of nylon socks that women wear with flat shoes for about $2. They can stretch over the pump and the frame if you're real careful. They'll keep the roots out. If you don't, when you get a couple of plants going their roots will get into the pump, lock it up and fry it. That's something Aerogarden's not likely to tell you.


Never used an aero before but it looks like the two outside are the most stressed. If the problem was ph, with all the seedlings being the same strain, each would have some discololration. The ones in the middle look fine? Your ph does need to come down to be ideal. But maybe, as I said new to aero, you could swap places for the two thats stressed the most. That could do two things for you. One it would get the stressed some help and two could identify if its the sprayers at those outside spots. Ph problems, being strain is the same, should be uniform. P.S. your pics could be a little closer.


Active Member
I had same problem. Do you have exhaust/intake fan?. Those leafs will dry it out if you don't adjust your temp


Active Member
Hi I have 6pc fans allowing air in the box and a normal house hold fan blowing the hot air out is this ok ? My temps are around 85 Thanks


Active Member
Hi I have 6pc fans allowing air in the box and a normal house hold fan blowing the hot air out is this ok ? My temps are around 85 Thanks
6 pc fans? Then your temp should be around 70 ~?. What kinda of light are you using?