Need an answer asap!!!!!!!!

ive been growing with cfls so far, have had pretty good success. I have a plant thats just about done with big fat swollen buds(molasses and tlc) but ive been wanting to try an hps to see how much better the results would be.

I am considering purchasing a 400w hps system tomorrow and i NEED TO KNOW if anyone thinks that it would create too much heat for a 4' deep x 6' wide x 8' tall closet i really do not want to have to worry about running ventilation as i live in an apartment and have limited options with that.

I plan to leave the door open to the closet during the day and i cut the AC down to about 67 during the day.

i was also considering purchasing a 150w hps or a 250w hps. if i use those i have a 250w cfl and 2 65w cfls along with plenty of 23w cfls to supplement. i just need to know what the best option would be to go with considering the heat and the fact i dont want to run ventilation.... im pretty handy and can rewire the fixture to extend cord and put ballast outside of room if that would help control the heat even more


Well-Known Member
If you can leave the door open it will work, that is a good size closet. I would def have a fan blowing the air around the girls.

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
Don't let it blow the shit out of them, just a light breeze to make them sway to build strength and keep them cool.


Well-Known Member
I recently switched from a 200w CFL to a 400w HPS...all I can say is DO IT! You'll come back here and say thank you for the advice, guaranteed!

EDIT: And I run it in a like 5' x 2.8' x 2.8' home made grow tent and I broke my fan recently, even without it the hottest the tent got was like 26C (granted this is Ireland tho!). Means you wont have to heat whatever room its in tho, saves money on heating bills too ;)


Active Member
I agree, the 400w isn't going to be THAT hot. My 400w halide is hotter than my 400w hps. Definitely go with HPS, along withe supplemental blue light you're giving them your girls will absolutely love it!
