Need help deciding between a carbon filter: CAN vs PHRESH?!


Morning guys, originally I was going to just get a GrowBright 4" Pure Flow Tallboy, but I read around some forums and heard they suck.

So... I'm aiming for a CAN or PHRESH carbon filter. Kind of confused which model to purchase. I have a S&P TD-100X 4inch Inline fan (100/135 CFM on low/high).

These are my options of 4" carbon filters:

PHRESH 4x8":
PHRESH 4x12":

Which one is best and why? Also do y'all know where they sell for the best prices? Thanks!

If it helps this is my layout.
I have the exact same fan and chose the phresh 4x8. 130cfm fan with 150cfm filter. Works like a champ.
I've had the tall boy from htg for about 6 years. It may have had a different name back then but thats exactly what it looks like. Worked great on my 12cf stealth cab with 80cfm panasonic whisper ceiling bath fan pushing through it, and I'm about to start using it on a 4x4x7 tent with 172cfm vortex 4". I don't think can-fan even existed yet when I got mine, though they may produce a better filter now. The can-33 is the largest diameter which means it probably has the most charcoal and least restrictive airflow, but it's $100.... For the size of your tent, I would recommend going with the smallest/cheapest one, looks like the can-2600 @ $50, but the 9000 is only $5 more...

what puts my off the phresh is their claim of "half the weight of other carbon filters"... to me that means less carbon. The phresh 4x8 weighs 5lbs and the can-9000 is 15lbs. the can-33 is 25lbs!!! Heavier is most likely better when it comes to carbon filters.
The reason they are lighter is because they are aluminum and not steel like CanFan. Also, the carbon bedding is just as if not thicker. Also, type in phresh carbon on YouTube and watch them compare carbon quality.
I like phreash. Cheeper and as good as can. I would recamend the 4x12. Larger scrubbing surface and 200 cfm. It's allways better to have the filter cfm be higher then the fans cfm. And if I'm reading it right you are pulling from 2 vents and pushing into the filter. I've found it's better to pull thru the filter. But both ways work. Reason I said this is if you find it not scrubbing enough for you. You can just add 1 more 4x12 filter and put them in the rooms. And upgrade to a 6" fan. So you would have 400cfm from the filters and that's fine for a 6". But if you go to small now, say with the 125 cfm. Dubleing that would be 250. Not the best for a 6". I'm not saying you have to go to the 6. I just always try and think ahead to my next upgrade.
I like phreash. Cheeper and as good as can. I would recamend the 4x12. Larger scrubbing surface and 200 cfm. It's allways better to have the filter cfm be higher then the fans cfm. And if I'm reading it right you are pulling from 2 vents and pushing into the filter. I've found it's better to pull thru the filter. But both ways work. Reason I said this is if you find it not scrubbing enough for you. You can just add 1 more 4x12 filter and put them in the rooms. And upgrade to a 6" fan. So you would have 400cfm from the filters and that's fine for a 6". But if you go to small now, say with the 125 cfm. Dubleing that would be 250. Not the best for a 6". I'm not saying you have to go to the 6. I just always try and think ahead to my next upgrade.

Thanks guys. I ordered the Phresh 4 x 12 off Hydrogalaxy for $84.91! I was following the 2nd configuration in this video:

And that is what I thought. But if the grow bug hits you. Most likely it will. You will upgrade. That's why I said what I did. Try to look ahead to your next grow when buying anything for this grow. Good luck man and happy growing. Keep it green.
Can I connect a 4" carbon filter to 6" insulated ducting to a 6" inline fan though?

Yes. They have redusers a hardwhere stores. I run a 8" fan reduced to 6". Just run your duct all the way to the fan then use the reducer to shrink or enlarge ducting. They work both ways.
Can I connect a 4" carbon filter to 6" insulated ducting to a 6" inline fan though?

You'd be better off doing it the other way around. It's better to have a larger filter than a larger fan.
That 6" fan is going to suck air through a 4" filter too fast
You'd be better off doing it the other way around. It's better to have a larger filter than a larger fan.
That 6" fan is going to suck air through a 4" filter too fast

Well, I was going to use (2) Phresh 4x12 filters (200 CFM each/400 CFM total). One filter scrubbing the veg room, and one scrubbing the flower room connected to a duct T-splitter then to (1) fan. Some say not to scrub the veg room at all, but the clones my friends are going to give me - when he was in his veg state was ridiculously stinky. I could smell it as soon as I walked in his house and he wasn't even flowering at the moment. It was Northern Lights.

I originally planned to "PULL" the air into the carbon filter, but wouldn't that make the pre-filter obsolete/useless? Since it would be duct > fan > carbon filter instead of carbon filter > duct > fan.
yep if ypu big with the fan speed control it if you pull too fast and hard the air will not be scrubbed properly so slow it down or match the setup bigfan smallfilter is good during hot vegg but slow it down to prevent smell getting out
Either are good. Also, I have been using a grow bright filter for almost a year now, and even ad of today, there is zero pot smell coming out of the exhaust. Thats with me growing skunk #1, white widow, sleestack x skunk, mango, LSD, lemon skunk, Northern lights, the Ultimate, THC bomb, and one or two strains I forgot. I know can and fresh are great filters, but cheap grow brights get a bad rap, and I have used all three types, and they all work good. Some people force air through instead of sucking it into the filter. Not all filters are designed to be used like that. Others think the filter is supposed to eliminate all odor in the grow room, and wonder why they still smell bud when they open the room up. No matter which filter you use, make sure you use it properly and as long as it is a tightly packed carbon filter, you should be fine. Also, if you by one, and hete the carbon rattling around inside of it when you first buy it, it either wasnt packed right, or was dropped or handled roughly. That is why some have problems, if the carbon gets loosened up, air will not come in contact with it and not be cleaned.
Phresh showed using the pre-filter inside the filter when pushing air instead of pulling... that way you're still pre-filtering...

Seems to me you'd want to have a little less material though... since the circumferences will be different you'll have to scrunch it up a bit... or get crafty and cut-it down and sew it back up... etc...