Need help fast on this aphids issue


Well-Known Member
Look up bud washing. A lot of outdoor growers do it even without having an infestation. I think @Wizzlebiz has become a fan after the wildfires a year or so ago.

Drown the fuckers. Will take about 1 minute per branch. Submerge for 45 seconds then swish around for a minute to get them off.


Not as big a deal as I thought. I figured theyda been all over the plant but they were only focused on 3 or 4 branches, most others had not a trace of them and I realllllly was looking. But I did do a wash with hyd prox and water definitely took longer than a min to drown them fuckers out but they seemed to eat shit and die. But now how should I handle preventative on my other blooming outdoor momma's???