Need help, first time grower!


ok here is what i plan to do,i want to grow only 1 plant in my balcony,i am planning to keep it under sunlight in the morning and at night i can give it light in my room.And How much would 1 plant smell?As i am planning to grow a lot of other flowers in the balcony too i am hoping to cover the smell up.Any advice is welcome..

1)how big it might grow?
2)how much water does it need?
3)Is it gona stink up my room at night?
4)how long it might take before it flowers?

Reason for growing:As i am from Bangladesh,u get shit weed here ,never even saw kush,purple haze etc..So i plan to grow my own good shit and smoke it in PEACE!
Though i dont even know what is the seed's name prolly some bush weed or w/e..

Thanks in advance


Another question,after germination when i planted the seed in soil,should i keep it in the light or dark?


Ursus marijanus
Hello Amirul
Those questions are not easy to answer.
Does the plant smell? That is strain-dependent, but figure on the answer being Yes.
How big might it grow? It could be anywhere from (soccer) football size to the size of a small horse ... but figure on 50 to 100 cm tall or more, unless you prune it.
Is it gonna stink up the room at night? Oh most likely. Ask yourself ... will keeping one goat indoors smell? A flowering weed plant is as smelly as the average goat ... but it is a nicer smell imo. People are likely to notice.
How long ... before it flowers? That too is strain-dependent. As long as you give a non-autoflowering plant a long light period, it should stay in veg. Once you give it a 12/12 photoperiod it'll be stimulated to flower.
If you're trying to grow stealthily with limited resources ... you will need to be very creative. Planting odorous plants to mask the smell of a weed mommy in full regalia ... won't work if you ask me.
Also ... planting and growing one seed ... what if it's a male? Aiee! cn


Sad part is i dont even know the strain my self as i said before all u get is shit weed here with no names prolly bush weed.i was hoping to transfer the plant to my friend's roof when its time to flower, so i was wondering is it gona stink a lot while its growing(not flowering).
And abt male and female,i will take my chances as i am just sick and tired of smoking bull shit...even if there is a 5% chance that i can make it ,i am willing to take the chance..
thanks for your help cannabineer.


Well-Known Member
Call me crazy. But I think having a big flowering bush on your roof...may...just may draw attention. Probably as much attention as a goat on your roof


Call me crazy. But I think having a big flowering bush on your roof...may...just may draw attention. Probably as much attention as a goat on your roof
well my friend got that covered,they own the house so no1 is allowed to go to the roof other than them..Though we wil try our best to make it stealthy :D


btw i was wondering how long it might take for the seed to sprout, and should i keep it in light or in dark for now?


Well-Known Member
Well, do plant seeds sprout in the dark in the natural world? No they don't

Keep them moist not wet and above all else, keep them warm


thanks for clearing that up,i did some research and some said keep in the dark some said light so i was sorta confused :D


I planted the germinated seed in a cup and covered it with a transparent plastic paper for humidity, after a while i saw the plastic paper is gettin a bit wet inside,,is it normal or should i be worried?


New Member
Its normal. look into low stress training or LST you will need it You can use the search bar at the top of this page on the right. If you get it to grow after it gets bushy put in a dark room 15 hours a day take it out at the same time everyday give it sun. if you do this for a week it may show sign of sex female will grow a white hair male will get a clump of little balls. If its male throw it out start over. It will smell it most likely will get big don't put it on the roof hide it in the woods or buy a light and put it in the closet.


Well-Known Member
Once it sprouts make sure you take the paper off. Keep it as close as possible to a cfl or fluorescent grow bulb.

I would advise against throwing it in the dark in order to sex it, that is very hard on a plant. It will sprout per flowers when it has about 6 nodes. The white hairs of a female flower are very easy to see. Good luck and start reading on what types of soil and nutrients your going to use. Dont just throw it in potting soil. If your going to do it and take the risk, you might as well put the effort in to do it right.

Only a complete jackass gets busted for growing a shitty plant.



thanks a lot for the help guys, i will keep on update.And i might need some help to find the strain as it is unknown to me :(




they just broke the soil and the seed shell fell,, should i water it now or w8 for the leaves to develop?
should i keep it under sunlight?


Well-Known Member
thats the best i could get for now,when i transplant it ,I wil make sure its better..
Water when the top 1/2 inch to 1 inch of soil is dry. Keep it simple and sweet. You could get a bag of soil from a nursery or home improvement stores for 10 bucks or less that would be better with 15% of perlite in it and your good to go. Don't forget Nutrients!