need help not sure what happened

King Cobra

Active Member
Have a look at the marijuana plant problems will find your solution to your problem there for sure.


Well-Known Member
Looks like a deficiancy of some type, post the crap youve been feeding and we will have a better chance at figuring out the problem, you using calmag? What are your ppms? Do some reading on deficiencies and you should be able to figure it out :):):)


Active Member
PH PH PH.. not only do I like to type PH, I honestly think this is one of those cases where PH is out of line or swinging radically...

If I had to guess once again.. tis only one guy's guess.. but I've seen this.. I've seen this indeed..


Magnesium. It would help if the lighting was better, then we could be sure. Take the picture with the HPS off, use regular lighting or the camera flash.

Green veins and chlorotic banding like that is classic Mg deficiency, or could possible be Iron. Mg def would occur on lower growth first, working it's way up (it is a mobile element). Iron (Fe) would occur on mid to upper growth growth (it is not very mobile).


Wouldn't use the Botanicare Cal/Mag (which is probably the 'Plus' right, with the EDTA in it?), you should mix dolomite lime into whatever mix you are using before transplanting in it. A heaping tablespoon per gallon of mix should prevent problems, both pH issues and Ca\Mg deficiencies.

How much of each of these things are you using, anyways. I know for a fact the Earth Juice Microblast has magnesium in it, even the molasses should have some Mg in it if it is Blackstrap (so that would be three sources of Magnesium). If you're using enough of each you really shouldn't be having issues.