Need Help!!!

Not sure whats going on... any advice would be great... New leafs are curling down with dark purplish color starting at the tips. older leafs look like picture... no leafs have any dead or burned sections...Using miracle grow moisture control soil and nothing else... outdoor plant...


Medi 1

Well-Known Member
mg is the first issue here. what pH in and what is the pH run off. definalty deff. usualy has pH issues in mg as its so toxic strong

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
ok so this is also outdoor then im assuming if cloudy conditions are an isssue. you need to ppH everything so theres the issue if you havent been
you can get them cheepo liquid ones at homo depot or a cambodian tire type shop./ or fish store....but...they are poor. they cant read closer than a .5. we need to be tighter than that. also once we test it with food in the water its not a truie reading as the liquid is 1 colour and food is another. and we all know adding 2 colour makes a 3rd so it wont read true...will be close. and is better than no p[H but keep that in mind. realy should buy a pen. having the right tools makes this so much better. no right tools all the fancy nutes in the world dont work as meant to


Active Member
Using distilled water is a good idea. No, it is not "ph balanced". DW ordinarily has a ph around 6.2 which is great.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
no distilled water is crap./ there is absolutly nothing in it,. we need some of what is in the water, its food to. calcium,copper and so on. in small amounts as it isnt the best source and is harder for the plant to intake.
distilled isnt ro water. distilled is water boiled to a steam then recollected again in pure form. ro is a diff animal. ya no water is ballanced and all will rise ph once the bottle is open waste of money.

distilled i should say isnt bad, just not a choice id use. and costs a fortune. waste of money. what is the tap water there at for ph and ec. if you cant read it look it up at a city web site. should tell you all elements in it and if they use chlorine or chloramine to clean with. if chlorine then use that and evap for 24 hour and its gone. if not need ro and an upgrade filter. ro dosnt stop chloramine as most think. only partialy it does.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
dont move the pH. use same all the time. causes a pH imbalance if you do to much or to often. use 6.3 for soil.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
bit low for my liking. it should be at 6.8. or as close to that as we can. so im assuming this was water only and the right pH going in. so what you should have done at the same time ehre is kept running that pH`d water in it till the run off was up higher. so dont do it now that its been done. need to let it dry again and do this with lots of water till pH is about 6,5. this is what i do anyways. others have their ways im sure.