Need some Advice on Heat


Active Member
I've grown Weed plenty times in the past with no Problems but im a Bit Nervous now because i never Grew in high heat before and the weather is changing here and it can go from 100F to 120 F this few months
so im asking if my Weeds will Survive!? i'll be growing
An Autoflower Sativas strain its told that Sativas are more Adaptable to heat than Indicas.r
so what do you think.
did anyone grow in High heat before? tips and advice would be appreciated other than watering often and adding a sun shade when heat is too much, thanks.

Edit, i couldnt find any Shade cloth thats Less than 50% in here i went to alot of places and one time when i used it my plants were less that 50CM long and yielded about 10 grams dry
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