Need some advice...


Active Member
I always PH at 6. Im using advanced nutrients a/b system. I use promix soil. I use city tap water. I bubble it for a few hours before I water. my temps never get above 85f. I am figuring that this is either a magnesium or potassium problem. Im not sure if I should flush with epsom salts or add more potassium with my feeding. any help will really help!


I always PH at 6. Im using advanced nutrients a/b system. I use promix soil. I use city tap water. I bubble it for a few hours before I water. my temps never get above 85f. I am figuring that this is either a magnesium or potassium problem. Im not sure if I should flush with epsom salts or add more potassium with my feeding. any help will really help!
There are a lot of possibilities here.

City tap water

This might be hard water, which can alter the way the nutrients are getting into the plant. Though the pH seems reasonable.


I'm not familiar with this soil, so I'm not sure if that would cause troubles.


When you're using something like Sensi, you need to use a little less than you normally would, around 20% less, I think. That seems to be powerful without overwhelming the plants.

The strain might be a little too weak for the nute strength of that product.

I would flush with some water first to see if that helps, as if it's a nute issue, you don't want to add too many other things since that could confuse the problem and make it worse.

Well, that's what I would do anyway. I'm surprised others haven't jumped in to help you out with this.

Goood luck!
