Need some help, first grow and seedlings keep dying


Active Member
on my 3rd wave of seeds doing 2-3 plants at a time (have some good bag seeds i'm starting with, rather not waste bought seeds as i'm a newbie at this)
soil: burpee seed starting mix
light : 6 cfl 6500ks 18/6 cycle
got the soil damp before i put the germinated seeds in plastic cups with cut 2 ltr bottles over the top. Well my first problem was they kept falling over and looked shriveled from what i read it was because my lights were to far so ive moved them from 3-5 inches and this time around 2 popped the surface in 24 hours and sprouted up later that day. For the next 2 days they still had moist soil and looked great! but out of no were there first set of spiked leaves started to shrivel and now they both have fallen over. Again i am a total newbie at this, been searching the web for the past 2 days to figure what keeps going on.

Also i keep a fan going in there lightly blowing on them and the 2 conclusions i've made are the cups didn't dry out fast enough because there still pretty damp 1in below the surface or its to hot in there, its a closet grow...


Active Member
2012-10-02_23-10-58_439.jpgfigure a picture might help, from what i read also if they start falling over u can replant them and thats what i did with this one


another good way to do seeds and i say this cause i have had 100% work for me is put them in a shot glass in a dark room that is warm or a cupboard i use the one over my stove once they sink in about 12 hours and from there about another 12 hours they will produce a stem plant them in a cup under cfl light about a 6-12 inch above them i used 150 cfl with a fan as to not burn them under 24 hour light for the first week then went to 18-6 never had them fail yet
it clones i seem to have a hard time with lol
dont do green house dome sounds like it is getting to much heat mine did that once i lowered the watts and they did good after that and from the pic your soil looks really dry


Well-Known Member
Heap the soil up around the stem to prop it up. All the way up to the leaves if necessary. I have ultimately smoked many plants that got such a start. Mist them once the soil is damp and the misting will keep the top soil moist. Domes over them until leaves touch the domes if necessary. Vented domes or make them vented. Clear Gatorade bottles with the bottoms cut off and the cap retained work great. Capon at night, off in the daytime. Remove the dome if they begin to wilt. otherwise keep air moving across the tops of these domes.


Active Member
k i will try that, Thanks for the feedback! also the heat in my closet seems to be getting close to 90 degrees which everyone says cfls are pretty cool and ive had good circulation, should I just keep 4 cfls running and after a week or so turn another 2 on?


Well-Known Member
90 sucks. Fix that shit quick or see more die. Every frigging light you can throw at them. If the shirk then back off a bit for a bit then back it. Make the bitches get after it.