Need some help with new grow room. Any advice would be appreciated.


here's the deal. I'm tired of buying weed from half ass growers, So I decided I'm starting my own grow room. I have a 10x10 room available for flowering N a 4x4 available for veg. I was Thinking of using 4 600w hps lights in flowering. Does that sound right? N if so how many plants would I be able to comfortably fit into the room? Any advice would be highly appreciated. Thanks


Well-Known Member
depends on how YOU want to grow.....Personally I'm a 2 plants per light type of dude.....with a long veg. you could fit 100 plants if there if you want(SOG) it's all up to you.....and 4 600w? that's alot of power buddy


here's the deal. I'm tired of buying weed from half ass growers, So I decided I'm starting my own grow room. I have a 10x10 room available for flowering N a 4x4 available for veg. I was Thinking of using 4 600w hps lights in flowering. Does that sound right? N if so how many plants would I be able to comfortably fit into the room? Any advice would be highly appreciated. Thanks
Hi there,.. I started same as yourself.. I read this And basically applied it. Everyone has a different opinion on lights. I use CFL's and im getting great results so far. Cheaper to run etc. But have a read get some seed and patience and practice and you'll have it sorted. Remember your growing for yourself so take it slow no point going all out and half your grow dies on you. I'm a 1 plant at a time grower, hopefully on my schedule ill have a constant supply.. and if people get nosy im only growing 1 plant for personal use. Anyways good luck with it buddy.. Look forward to seeing your setup pic etc.


Active Member
Are you growing soil or hydroponics? And a 10x10 You could fit at least 16-24 plants in there. But I would maybe try 4-6 plant per light. Make sure you have your ventelation and cooling down first. Looking forward to some pics


I love these questions lol. It depends on the size and number of plants. plus genetics and the skill of the grower.It depends on if you are goin production or not.........U can pack in a ton of small cola plants and go sea of green, but also consider the heat if you get caught with that many plants. Or you can have 12 giant plants. If you have a 10x10 you could have 100 plants that only take a square foot each. in which case 1oz a plant is totally do-able. 100oz=6.25 pounds. or 12 6oz plants which are topped repeatedly and bent. 72oz=4.5 pounds. a considerable difference but if you have 100 flower you also have 100 veg and that is fed prison time. the difference is 200 plants and 24. these are both extreme cases but something to consider.

about the lights.....You can never have too much can have too much heat. If you plan to run 4x600watt hps and each bulb is over 400 degrees you better have a strong out take fan. typically you would use a 600watt for a 6x6 area so you are really close if fact you have alittle above what you need which is a good thing. I run 2x1000watt hps in a 8x8 room with fantastic results! I too am over kill on the lights. hahaha hope that helped