New around here and need a little advice please?


Well-Known Member
Hey all, i've been lurking around for a while reading the awesome information on this site and wanted to say hello :) ive been growing for some time both outdoors and in and grown some really good ganja but want to try something different this time

I was hoping someone could help me with a question. Ive got a 3x2x5 foot tent with a 600hps and i'm growing in small 2gal pots with soil and compost. Looking at keeping the plants small due to room. My question is, i would like to do a scrog grow from seed and wondering if it would work or not? Ive got some feminized big blue, feminized g13 haze and femmed shark shock seeds from previous grows. Would these strains grow better in a scrog grow or am i better off topping and using LST to stretch them out?

My room stays cool as i only grow in winter and it gets down into the minuses at night when the light is on. The light is also air cooled. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers and keep up the good work with the site!


Well-Known Member
lets see some pictures man, you know they say, pics or it never happened.... lol a 2x3 tent is a lil small for a 600 in my opinion. but ey if the temps don kick ur ass more power to ya.

the fatter plants in my thread are in 2.5 gallon pots.


Well-Known Member
When u say air cooled u mean u have a cool tube? Is that really necessary if it get that cold where ur at, I would think with MJ being a desert plant it wouldn't like temps below 0 but what do I know it never gets below 40, our socal winters that is. Anyways if it is that cold there wouldn't u want as much heat from ur light as possible.


Well-Known Member
Whats the best way of uploading pics here? Any suggestions so i dont get nailed by the po po?

I know my room is too small for a 600 but im only planning on veging for 3 weeks under my 110w T5HO (i think thats what it is), so im really hoping it doesnt get too big lol. Only time will tell hey!
Dvs- its not a cool tube but a standard reflector with holes to hook up fans. I want to keep the light as close (30cm) away from the plants to keep them short and stocky. Again only time will tell :) its all about the experience and hope of some half decent buds to smoke ;)
SFguy, mate if mine turn out half as good as yours i'll be stoked :)
my experience comes from growing with a 1000hps light in a 4x4 tent so im hoping by topping and lsting this may work!
Cheers for the comments guys, i'll get some pics up shortly!


Well-Known Member
TBH if you want to keep them short and bushy 3 weeks veg might be too long depending on light. I usually end up with 5-6 feet tall plants when I veg for 3 weeks, but I am using 250w hps. If I were you I would ditch the 110w and veg with the 600w, they will stay alot shorter that way. Also LST/topping never hurts!

No harm in uploading pics, cops have better things to do than browse forums, like eating donuts :)


Well-Known Member
Cheers for the reply mate, i was actually thinking exactly what you said about veging under the 600, just wasnt sure if it would work the best..i can only experiment though hey :)

I'll take some pics this arvo when the light comes on :)


Well-Known Member
lets see some pictures man, you know they say, pics or it never happened.... lol a 2x3 tent is a lil small for a 600 in my opinion. but ey if the temps don kick ur ass more power to ya.

the fatter plants in my thread are in 2.5 gallon pots.
Thats what I though right away. My tents are similar size and with a 400 in each one I battle the heat especially now.
Because it seems you'll be running a few different strains they are not going to raise all alike in a uniform way thus I would just go with LST with this grow IMO


Well-Known Member
Cheers for the comment mate :)

All the previous grows I've done I used a slightly bigger grow room with 1000w hps and only suffered minor heat damage. I am still dubious about the size of the room but it is all I have to work with at the moment as I didnt own any of the gear from before. Where I have the tent it is a constant 2 degrees celcius during winter and colder on the minus nights. I'll post up some pics and you guys can give me some advice yeah?



Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

Cheers for the advice :)

First pic is of the tent. It has one small 4 inch outlet fan near the pot on the left and a small desk fan at the back. The 600 will have a fan connected to it blowing cold air straight in and back out of the tent. The pots also have a home brewing wrap around heater keeping them warm.


Below photo is just a close up with the 110w light over it.


Fire away guys, what do you think? One thing i do know i i wish my seeds would hurry up and sprout, i'm getting a little impatient!


Edit: Apologies about the side ways photo's, i thought i had fixed that :(


Well-Known Member
Cool setup, I would definately use the 110 for clones/young seedlings and leave veg/flower to the HPS. Use the 110 for about a week until they grow their first few sets of leaves then switch it up :)


Well-Known Member
Hey eastcoastmo, I see now why the interest in my G13, you got the goodness too :weed: The tent looks good, I used to use one of those (4 x 4 tho). I also gew in a similar sized cabinet with a 400 watter, I think my grow is still in my profile (my first grow after 10 yrs, 7 O's dry). I'm thinking definately top them then maybe even top again, this will allow you to veg for 3-4 weeks (big roots, big trunk, big buds). You'll need to keep the 600 quite high, at least 12 inches from the top of the plants, probably best at around 20-24.
Remember the light in that small room will bounce all over the place giving you way more light to the plants. Closer than 12 inches will give you definate heat burn (in flower and possible veg) even in your cold winter and cooltube.

In regards to vegging under the 600, definately do it once your at around 5-6 inches tall, before that height keep what you have as close as possible. Once again though keep the 600 above 12'. Your plants will handle more heat in veg than in flower but keep an eye on leaf curl (upwards).

If your strain is similar to my G13 go easy on the nutes, at 2-3 inches tall keep em at around 200ppm, 4-6 inches 400-600, 6-8 inches 600-900, youll probably max out in veg at around 1100-1200ppm. In flower as Im finding out it can handle a slow increase up to 1600-1800 for the first few weeks at least.

Keen as to see how you go mate, you got a great setup and perfect outside temps. Go large my freind!! :leaf::arrow::weed:


Well-Known Member
Hey mate thanks so much for the comments hey, everything you saod makes
perfect sense and i will be following very closely :) your grow has inspired me so i really hope this works out even half as good! I'll be a happy man! Im going to document too so will post up as i go (if these seeds sprout, i may have stunted them due to cold
water being used once a day. Ive fixed now by adding a new water heater)! Cheers again mate!


Well-Known Member
Oh and with your heater wrap around the pots, dont let it get above 20 degrees celcius, think if they were in the ground there temp would probably be around 10-17c in perfect conditions. It's defintely ok to have the heater on now to promote growth but be careful when they get to around 6 inches, the 600w will heat the whole room more than enough when it's in, I remember reading that 17c was optimal for soil grows. Saweet. Do you brew as well? I got my home brew cranking, love it, way better than store bought and sooo much cheaper!


Well-Known Member
Ah yeah i hadnt actually considered that, will take a temp reading tomorrow!
LOVE home brewing too man, shits all over store bought! Im drinking an amarillo hopped pale ale as i type lol


Well-Known Member
Cheers for the love mate!! Hmmm, I'm thinking your heater wrap is definately a good thing right now for your seeds (forgot they were seeds, I normally start with rooted clones so quite different). Whats the ppm of the water out of your tap? I'm really lucky, our water is near zero so I just get the water tepid (around 25-30c) using the mixer head in the sink then water with that in the early stages of veg. Once the plant is hardy enough I drop the temp to around 17c or as I am doing now straight from my watering drum via pumps and timers.
Your gonna do great!!


Well-Known Member
Ah yeah i hadnt actually considered that, will take a temp reading tomorrow!
LOVE home brewing too man, shits all over store bought! Im drinking an amarillo hopped pale ale as i type lol
2 peas in a pod my freind, I have my home brewed Hoegarden, lovin the wheat brew at the mo (startin to get a slur on to be honest:rolleyes:). Got a cider down as well, loves my cider!