new grow box

bud 182

New Member
hi all I am new to all this I am building a grow box 4ft wide 3ft deep and 5ft high what lighting do you think I should put in it hps mh or cfl for 4 plants


Well-Known Member
Hiya bud 182, each Type of Bulb has Pros n Cons.

CFL ~ Low Heat ~ but need to be Close

Hps/Mh ~ More Heat ~ Better Spread ~ need cooling

LED ~ No Heat as such ~ Cutting edge Tech, shop bought Panels still expensive ~ Results "CAN" be amazing..

If you in the UK Mh/Hps kits of FleaBay is the cheapest(apart from lots of Low Watt CFL from Asda) You can pick up a 400~600 watt Mh/Hps kit with Bulb/Ballast(Pwr Supply) & Reflector for £70 or less. IF funds allow a "Digital Ballast" be a good future investment...

I mean you could get a 600w or 1000w and if Dimmable Ballast(More £££ though) you can crank it down to 250w ~ 400w till you have more space or indeed Fan/Filter setup for the space you will still need to vent with Mh/Hps...hole at top of Box and intake at opposite side at the bottom. OR get a Cool-Tube when you purchase look for this and Vent HEAT from bulb straight out of Box.


Oh n Welcome to R.I.U.


EDIT: Good Thread here, might be worth a Look-see bud 182