New grow room. Heat probs...


Active Member
is your ducting being kept straight? ie no kinks in it?

I had temps like that and it was due to a right angle in the ducting. I was told to keep it as straight as possible and it worked!

perfect temps now.


Well-Known Member
oh i missed that
one time at band camp i found a hooker dead in a lane and while i was getting some free action i found 30 bags of coke in her pussy
let just say she wasn't the only numb one then


Well-Known Member
i would say he may be right about finding plants. when I was a teen, i put like 50+ seeds in hte top of a 5 gallon bucket, watered, and covered with saran wrap. well the next morning I had 50+ seeds, literally!! Well i transplanted everything into there own container, and scattered them all over the countryside by where I live. point is that some unknowing teen may have done that and thought his 30+ plants were safe!! guess they were wrong!!!

oh, and a heli came flying real low one day over the river (lived right on a small river), i ran home as fast as I could and chunked everything in the river, only 2 males came to harvest, i thought I was rich, but just as pot poor as before I started!!


Active Member
Yeah Im prettty sure they were stolen. Haha. They were in this wooden rectangular box with soil in it. Of all the plants there were only like 7 females. Haha. I'm about to go get the aircooled hood...I hope it works good...