New grower, for a few questions /concerns


Active Member
So these ladies sprouted within 72 hours or less of planting seeds. They've all popped and are growing, but I'm afraid that somehow they pushed up from where I put them. One I actually had to bury deeper because it was just sitting on the surface of the soil. But it was also one the the 2 with leaves and no shell. I guess I'm wondering if they're OK until transplant or if I need to intervene in some way. Any help would be great. Thanks!


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they seem to be reaching for light they’re gonna stretch too much so get those lights lower and you can just add a little more soil to their pots to cover the stems a bit and support with toothpicks or something if they collapse
So I cut the distance to the light in half. About 12 inches away now. I'm just afraid that they're going to burn. I'll kepp an eye in them though. They shouldn't have stretched like they did, I had a 40 watt small light on them about 8 inches away when they sprouted and just moved them to the veg light on my 425 or so watt light. I think it's 436 when both lights are on. Should I use the cob lights and the blurple?
you have to adjust as you go along every light is different t5s super close works pretty well, low wattage full spectrum lights also work well kept close, 425w blurple is probably not 425w really so watch your plants and adjust it accordingly. just seemed to me like they were gonna stretch a bit much.
I think just the blurple is about 210w or somewhere close. They've got a good par and lumen reading. Just being paranoid. They're more resilient and tough than anything. Like I said, my bigger worry was that they seemed so close to the surface and one was literally trying to shoot into the dirt from the top of the soil.
I have a 40w small light like that. I just not on a stand. They're 2 bars. I used those in the first few days, but they're already acting like that was nowhere near enough light. So I put them under 1of the big lights.