New Grower: Leaves Have Indentions: Help!


Active Member
I have a little grow room set up in a closet. Its about 2ft x 2ft and arount 5ft tall. I have kept the temperature at a somewhat constant 77-85 degrees with 40-55% humidity. There is a fan at the bottom of the grow area that blows air all over the plants and vents out the top. I have 2 grow lights that hang above the plants, but they are only 60watt with really low lumens(im about to go get better ones with more lumens). I started with the plants in dixie cups and transplanted them into larger 7 inch wide pots, and added a little topical fertilizer about a week ago. Since then the plants have indeed grown to a current height of 1-2 feet.

But here seems to be some sort of problem with the newest leaves on the top of the plants. A bunch of little indentions are covering the leaves and a couple of the plants have leaves turning yellow towards the bottom of the plant. Theyre around a month old now and I only began seeing these indentions about a week ago. I water the plants when the top of the soil is dry so I dont overwater, and the bottom of the pots have holes so the roots can get oxygen. I dont know whether the problem is water, light, pH level, not enough light, nutrients? Help would be greatly appreciated, as I would like to catch the problem before it gets out of hand. After all, these are my babies.

*pictures are also attached for visual aid. close-up pictures show the indentions on the top leaves as well as a picture of the yellowish leaves on the bottom of a couple plants. (2 different cameras were used so the plants look lighter in some and darker in others).


Well-Known Member
the yellow is nitrogen deficency. i'm not sure of the crinkling. i've had fan leaves do this when they end up really big. they start out somewhat crinkled then spread open like a butterfly with it's new wings. i see the edges of the leaf curled though. i think this is something else.


Active Member
When I re-planted the plants about a week ago I also used a little topical fertilizer. I just sprinkled it on top and then put more soil over it. I looked at the bag again and it says to only use 1/2 teaspoon for every square foot. My pots are at most 8 inches in width, do you think I used too much fertilizer?!


Well-Known Member
Does the soil have nutes??if so dont feed it again..and plz if u can take some side pics if i can see it well ur plants are way stretched


Active Member
ok, here is a side picture at your request. Yes i added some, but i just went and got an electronic pH tester and tested my soil and it didn't read as being too low or high, but i think it might be messed up..



Active Member
Ok man , your plants are really stretched. I think you said you were using a 60 watt light, with a better one on the way. Right Now, go and lower your light to about 2 inches above your plants if you are using a floro like I think you are. Your plants are to thin to support many flowers. Get that new light and replace the one you are using. I hope you are getting an hps. It makes a real difference. I am using a 400 hps now. My first grow was with flors, and my plants looked like yours.


Active Member
I had a plant with leaves like in your third picture there. I never figured out if it was something to be concerned about as the plant turned into a male a few days after I noticed it.
The lower yellow leaves aren't much of a problem. Just give them a fert with more nitrogen.
The problem is the stretching. Those are way too tall for their size/age. As was pointed out, if your using flouros, you should have them a few inches from the top. Incandescents throw off too much heat to do that, so they're not as good for this. But if you seriously want to grow, you'll want a hps, although you'll want a small one for a 2X2 area or it'll get too hot.


Active Member
Oh, well i really hope they turn out alright. There are some really good seeds that those plants came out of. You said you sexed your plants... Arent these old enough to do that? If so, how do I? Also, what should I do to stop the plants from stretching like that? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
hey there. as already mentioned,the stretching is caused by insuficient light strenth, get stronger lights or move them closer this also causes bigger fan leaves as the leaves must catch all the "rays" it can. couple of adjustmens and itll be fine im sure.
also to sex a plant put int into flowering for a few days or just wait and hope you catch it in time before it gets to your girls. the answer to these questions are all in the forum newbie central check it out. you can also search for what you want.