New Guy That Needs Help!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys i'm new here, and need some help!! I'm gonna do my first grow this spring. And i just bought the seeds Super THAI SKUNK, and ATA TUNDRA, from i got 10 seeds for each strain. And i also have a couple seeds of some regular weed, which isnt that great.

Now i'm wondering how i should go about planting these seeds, i need to plant them outdoors and i need help!! I live in CHicago IL and for the rest of the week and after that its only gonna get warmer, right now its 70 degrees.

I was thinking of buy some flower pots, and putting a couple of seeds in each, with some potting soiL BUT I HAVE NO IDEA WAT KIND OF SOIL OR ANYTHING!!



Well-Known Member

Gurilla grow

Brown Dirt Warrior



Seed germination (dont use paper towels, just plant in soil and keep moist.


Well-Known Member
ok so i bought 4 8 inch pots from walmart today, and i got a 10 lb bag of soil from there too. I went to the woods today and dug a hole to put all 4 pots in the ground, then i filled the pots with soil, and i put the seeds like 2 or 3 inches deep in the soil.'

And then i watered each pot with bottle water until the soil was very moist. So there are about 5 seeds in each pot of some reg weed.

I HOPE IT GROWS!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
2 or 3 inches.i was told that might be a lil deep.but gl and post some pics when they sprout.just planted 2 purple seeds in my yard.


Well-Known Member
2-3 inches i think is too far also, I've always been told and used no more than an inch down.


Well-Known Member
ooohhh alright, well if they sprout what do i do then??? do i leave them in the little pots? i'm gunna take pics sunday night to show u guys wat i am talking about.


i wouldnt have put more than one seed per pot. i would germinate in a moist paper towel... always worked for me.

Hong Chong

Active Member
If there is any little flies or bugs out in the forest it might be a bad idea, as soon as the leaves appear they will be eaten right away and you will be left with a little stem sticking out of the soil, its not nice at all.


Well-Known Member
well shit, r u serious the little leafs r gunna be eating?? Y?!?!?! lol But if the leafs are stil there, r the plants set to grow? And is there anything else i have to do to the plants?


Well-Known Member
ok first of all its not really good to plant outside in Chicago because of the fucked up weather this week.. get something at you local gardening/home depot/Menard's it's called merical grow and you can just use a plastic cup to grow them in for the first week- week 3. i hope it helps.


Well-Known Member
ok guys well its been 3 days since i planted my seeds in the pots, and i havent been back yet to look at them, i am wondering if they have sprouted yet. Its pretty cold right now like here in chicago like 55 degrees, yesterday it was 60 and the day b efore like 60.

I just got my seeds shipped out to me there super thai skunk, and ata tundra. Now I REALLY NEED HELP GROWNING THESE!!! iF YOU GUYS COULD HELP THAT WOULD BE AWESOME, I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO GROW EM WELL OUTSIDE, PLEEZ HELP GUYS, THANKS!!


Well-Known Member
i germinated my seeds before hand then 3 days after i planted (today) nothing i think there building there root system now, im gunna be patient though, so i doubt yours have sprouted yet


Active Member
dude, im also in chicago, and i think you put those first ones out a little too soon. In this climate it's much better to start the plants inside and then transplant them later. My plants have been going for over 5 weeks inside now and i can't wait to transplant them this week, hopefully no more fucking cold weather. Good Luck with your grow, i suggest you start reading the grow guides here and then stop by your local borders and read the grow guides there. They should be in the gardening section.


Well-Known Member
Its normal and good for your plants to get around 60F but only at night. as this is good for there natural cycle. During they day ur gonna want them to be in the high seventies-mid eighties. But, u should move them babies inside and get some lights on them. And build a small grow room. I set up my grow room in like a day out of stuff i mostly had in my house. Its not as big of a step as you think it might be.


Well-Known Member
ok well i cant grow them inside, and i still havent checked on them, i hope they are going to sprout soon, and i got about a dozen more seeds of reg that i'm going to plant soon. And i will try that miracle grow potting soil. And also i'm getting SUPER THAI SKUNK AND ATA TUNDRA in , from rhinoseeds. and i'm wondering how i SHOULD GROW THOSE.


Well-Known Member
Dude, if u wanna do it right. Read the grow FAQ. and build yourself a grow room. if not, you might as well wait. and as for the ones u planted out in the woods. i doubt they'll survive. but u could get lucky. If ur gonna put them outside. u should start them inside first at there most delicate stages.


Well-Known Member
yea dude so i got the good seeds from rhino seeds in the UK and they are some big asss seeds , i'm germinating them in plastic little cups in water, and then i'm gonna put em in the napkins and shit then plant em. I i'm guna put em pots, and just take it from there. Alright