new guy


2013-01-08 18.41.01.jpg008.jpg006.jpg003.jpg001.jpgHello. I am a new member. I joined this site because this sort of support is very tough to find. Also because it is very dificult to find people to talk with about this hobby. I recently received some direction from a member on how to post pictures and start a journel, so this will be kinda like a practice run. So here goes. My room is under an addition to the house, accessable through a trap door in the closet. I built it back in the 90's when helicopters caused alot of sleep loss. Its about 13x18 and about 7 feet tall. I have the room devided into two parts. One for clone and veg,and one for bud. Over the years I have added to it and now it is in pretty good shape. The grow I have going now is what I believe is a hydroponic Nutrientr film system from hydro-farm. I have owned it for 20 years but never gave it serious effort. now I have 28 plants I call Special Red(because I havn't been able to identify them.) 3 Iranian autoflowers, 2 Iranian g-13s and 9 Freedom 35's. All are from Dr Greenthumbs site. I started the sp. reds and the g-13's early january while I waited for the f-35's About mid jan I received the 35's and started those. I started with two 400 hps's and used General hydroponics 3 part nutes at 3.2.1 with super thrive. I ran them at 24-0 for the 35's, and one still went into bud. It was the end of feb before the 35's were big enough to clone and then switch to 12-12. now I am at 12-12 for two weeks. I have swapped one 400mh for a 600 hps and will swap the other in a few days. I'm running general hydroponics at 1.2.3 with cal-mag , floralicious and superthrive. also last week I fired up a hydro-gen co2 generator with an atlas controler. I welcome any comments or questions. I will be asking lots of questions in the future. Now lets try some pics'


Well-Known Member
Welcome! I'm soil so no real comments other than that. Wish I had and could use a 13x18 area.. :D


Staff member
so glad you found out how to make a journal ect ^_^ , keep up the good work!


Last year I played with some dwc. Aside from that I am a dirt farmer too. All of my parent plants and my hold overs for this springs clones are dirt also. I gotta say, I am really impressed with the rate of growth in a good hydro set up. Thanks for the reply.


Okay,I stepped into that. when I was posting the pics the promt said you could post 5 pics. I will revisit the situation thank you.2012-12-29 11.29.26.jpgIMG_5142.jpgIMG_5098.jpgIMG_5095.jpg2013-01-05 20.22.22.jpgship_lobster_boat.jpg Alright, sweet. Thank you again, and some more