New Member Here, New Grower, New (and irritating) problems


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Hey guys how a'll doing? Well, I just joined not too long ago because I decided to start growing. I go sick of dealing with the "Scummy" element of society just so I could chill out and enjoy myself :weed:

So after reading up alittle I built myself a little growbox. Here are the specs.

Space----2 ft long by 2 ft wide by unlimited ft high (Read: 7ft)

----Box Built using-----

2 Rubbermaid (Roughnecks) Stacked atop each other
Foil Tape on the inside of the entire box to increase reflectivity (I know about hotspots)
2 45 watt OTT Lights Equivilent to 2 75 Watts. ((OTT Lights are MAD expensive, 12 bucks per cfl, but they are supposedly the best CFL's ou can get for vegging and even flowering)
One (1) 100 Watt cfl (At the moment, I have two (2) but the heat they create in my growbox allows me to only have one active At the moment.. Perhaps when the plants are in flwoering I will active the second 100 Watt I have
These lights are about 3 inches away from the top of El Seedling.
I also have a fan with a filter on the back of it to keep the air Cool, moving, Clean and to keep the plant rustling ever so slightly.
I am using Miracle Grow Moisture Control Soil with Time Release Nutes.
I KNOW I KNOW This was my first mistake but money was an issue at the time and I have already transplanted the little baby into their final pots with this soil.

The Problem

My plants have been goin good for the past week and a half (Their entire life)
I germinated the seeds and planted them in a Small container so they could get started. On Dec 26 it Sprouted and has been growing like a monster ever since. The Bottom Seed Leaves have turned yellow and have begun to fall off (which is normal I've read). I transplanted them about 2 days ago to give them a big pot (about a ft tall) so they do NOT become root bound. Buttt I have been noticing that the first REAL set of leaves my baby grew are turning a slight yellow towards the ends with the very TIPS turning brown and dying.

I need any help someone can offer, PLEASEEEEE I don't want to go back to that dirty street corner to find anymore :confused:



Active Member
And I forgot to mention that There is no Strain, I just took some decent bagseed and planted it.

I also forgot to mention that The pictures above are of my last remaining baby. I had 4 sprouted but 1 was overwatered and Died (Long Story) 1 just sprouted and died. This one had a sister who was keeping up with it but I think It was too close to the 100 watt cfl I have and burnt up while I was away from home.

This is my last girl and I really want to pull at least a small harvest from her from all the work I've put in so far. I was thinking about just putting her on 12/12 to force Sexing and force her into flowering as an emergency measure. Idk.....


Well-Known Member
Hey Dude welcome to RIU....anyways i would say that you do not have enough light. Also make sure your not over watering them, they are really small so there fore they do not need alot of water, only water when your soil is dry, stick your finger in it and if it sticks to your finger and is wet then its fine and doesnt need anymore water.

Also how close are your lights to the plants?
And put up a few pics of the setup so we can see....

Check out my rubbermaid grow click the link below and maybe you can get a few ideas if you need too.



Well-Known Member
Sounds like nutrient burn. My money's on the miracle grow soil being too "hot" for them. I noticed the same thing with certain strains back when I used to use MG soil. In my case, the plants got used to it soon enough, and began to thrive, so there is hope.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU :hump:

Brown tips is the first sign of nute burn. MG is famous for this, but I wont dwell on this subj. Seedlings are very gentle and when planted in soil with time released nutes thats what happens. Be careful to not over water (like once a week) and they will pull through.


Active Member
Yeah I was betting 10 to 1 that it was the miracle CRAP that was doing this to her :~( At least there is hope though. And here's a pic from a top hole in my setup. The lights look dimmer than they actually are because my camera can't handle the intense glare, so I had to dim it alittle.

The Blue lights are the OTT growing lights while the one Bright Yellow is a 100 Watt CFL. I Have another one butt IDK about the heat so I'm gonna wait on installing it.

I used to have even light distribution between my entire box but when the other seedling babies died I decided to focus all my Light/Attention on my one last baby.

And My lights are never closer/further than 3 inches away.

SIDENOTE: My Last remaining girl is on the far left under all those lights and just to recap I have;

Two (2) 75 watt OTT Premium Growing Lights
Two (2) 100 Watt Soft CFL Lights ONLY ONE IS INSTALLED ATM



Active Member
I also just did alittle more research and found that if your seedlings get water on their tops, the heat/light can heat this water up and harm the plant. I DO use a Spray Bottle to water her and the top leaves are usually lightly misted with water, could this also have something to do with my situation?


Well-Known Member
I also just did alittle more research and found that if your seedlings get water on their tops, the heat/light can heat this water up and harm the plant. I DO use a Spray Bottle to water her and the top leaves are usually lightly misted with water, could this also have something to do with my situation?
Ya possibly.....


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Anyone out there in internet land? Common, someone has to have a better idea of what me baby is goin through?


Well-Known Member
yeah thatll def burn ur tips if a bead of water sits long enough, how far are ur lights from ur plants, and is the soil ur using new?


Active Member
yeah thatll def burn ur tips if a bead of water sits long enough, how far are ur lights from ur plants, and is the soil ur using new?
The lights are about 3 inches away from the little one

Mind you the only lights I have that really create any heat are the two 100 Watt CFL's I have. The two OTT CFL Growers lights rate in at 45 watts but are equivilent to 75 watts each.

Since the start I have only had the two growers CFL's and ONE (1) One Hundred Watt CFL installed because I feared the heat from the 100 watt would cause damage.

I only use a spray bottle to give the little one water and the droplets usually sprinkle the leaves, kinda looks like Morning Dew After I spray her.

The soil is Miracle Grow, Moisture Control soil with Time release Nutes. It was new when I bought it (Right after X-Mas) But it Had been RAINED ON while stocked at Home Depot. The bag had a hole or two in it so the rain DID leak in while it was at Home Depot, and the soil was very wet when I brought it home, so I decided that in order to not drown my plants I would dry it out with a little heater I had. I dried it up pretty well (So that the top layer was Crusty and the dirt below the surface was Moist.

I'm pretty sure it has to be either Nute burn, heat issues (Though I doubt it) or either Overwatering or This water-droplet-burn. I just wish a pro would chime in and give me a Definitive answer...:wall:


Well-Known Member
The lights are about 3 inches away from the little one

I'm pretty sure it has to be either Nute burn, heat issues (Though I doubt it) or either Overwatering or This water-droplet-burn. I just wish a pro would chime in and give me a Definitive answer...:wall:
Well man no one is probably gunna be able to give you an answer that is 100%....we told you all the things that could possibly be wrong with it, and now it is your job to single it out...

you are going to have to cut back on your watering to see if over watering is the problem.....if you cut back on the watering and it still is looking bad then you can assume that's not the problem....

I would say also to pull your lights back a few inches, even if you don't think they are too hot to see if it will help.....also stop spraying it with water so it has no chance of burning the leaves.....

and for the nute burn in the soil there is pretty much nothing you can do about that but let your plant struggle through it and just water with plain water....

You just don't know unless you try...process of elimination dude

also do you have a temp gauge in there??

Good luck


Well-Known Member
well a good rule for soil is always premixing(distilled) water through it so it has a moist consistency all the way thru, next time u get soil grab stuff thats kept inside, the rain in ur area coulda raised the ph of ur soil enough to burn ur plant, and also try to grab ike 2- 23 w cfls there not as harsh so u can keep them within 2-3 inches of your plant without burning


Active Member
well a good rule for soil is always premixing(distilled) water through it so it has a moist consistency all the way thru, next time u get soil grab stuff thats kept inside, the rain in ur area coulda raised the ph of ur soil enough to burn ur plant, and also try to grab ike 2- 23 w cfls there not as harsh so u can keep them within 2-3 inches of your plant without burning

Ahh true...did not think about the fact that the rain could have raised the ph... good point. And Yeah, I moved my lights an inch more away just to be sure. And to answer the post above, nah I don't have a temp gauge but it feels (based on my expert oppinion :hump:) like it's hovering in the mid 80's inside the 'chamber' lol


Active Member

Alright well; today I just got around to checking the little beast after leaving the soil to dry out and the condition has WORSENED. So I sprayed Water on the top soil (I avoided the seedling to avoid burning it)

I also should mention that Last night I installed the SECOND 100 Watt CFL to see if it would help. Today, As I've said the condition has worsened and I have noticed a moderate increase in temp inside the box. Any ideas?



Well-Known Member
Well its not looking dead yet so i think its going to come through, just keep taking care of it it should be fine.....also do you know the exact temp of your box???


Active Member
Ahh thanks for the encouragement, I'm just really worried this miracle crap has wasted my time (and mula) for no reason :~\

and on the temp, I don't know the exact number but it doesnt feel Hotter than the 80's. I definatly need to invest in a ph meter + thermometer.

But anyways, what should I do to give it the best chances of survival? If I water it to 'flush' it just releases more Nutes, if I don't water it seems like the little douche won't have enough strength to fight this lol:wall:


Well-Known Member
just water it a lil every couple days...make sure it dries out a lil before you water just takes a lil time.