New To The DWC Club


What's up guys, I officially said goodbye to soil today. I made a cheap DWC setup I'm hella excited about. I used a storage container and cut holes for 4 containers, about 1/2 gallon pots, and filled them why hydroton and the clones. I filled the container with purified water, put a pond pump at the bottom. The water is currently filled to right where it can just touch the clone. They're vegging like this for probably 1 1/2 months. I will share pictures soon, I'm pretty stoked.
Better stay on your water PH; it changes rapidly. It'll easily become too high or too low as your plants suck up and react with the nutes.

If you consider going bigger; before you do; a 100psi aero is cheaper than a ph regulator for your DWC; check out cavadge's thread at the gardens cure

You can get a pump 100; 2 gal pressure tank 40; solenoid 30; press-switch 50; misc tubing and connectors + nozzles 60-100.

Plus all the benefits from aero tech