Newbie In Need Of A Little Advice Please :)

hi all this is my 2nd grow first one went well from a little help from friends but im struggling with this one due to the size i think i may be over watering which i am still only giving them clean water and my room temps are roughly 26 degrees under a 600w metal halide its the new growth what worries me the lower yellow leaf was there when i got it as a cutting any advice would be much appreciated thanks plant 2.jpgplant1.jpg the higer leaves r greener then they appear under my light lol
im using coco at min when it goes into bigger i uses coco and clayballs worked really well last time ph is around 6.8 and only just started giving it 1ml per litre of vitalink earth which it has had one feed i think i may be over watering as it is in rockwool cube aswell


Well-Known Member
It sounds like you're doing hydro? If you are (and I don't know about coco) but using clay "balls" or hydroton, your pH is too high and you need more nitrogen.

Don't know how old those plants are but by the time my plants are about the same stage, they are getting full strength feed.
nah not hydro mate i used the same set up for last grow and worked really well had good root growth and strong healthy plant would u suggest i use full strength feed which is recomended 2-3ml per litre? there was a few times when my fans actually went off before my light which obvs caused some heat could this be why? they are clones ad say there about 2-3 week old thanks for replys


Active Member
Probably just a nute def. You should add nutes from the start with coco as it's inert. Keep the pH in the 5.8 to 6.0 range as well.
thanks stoner paddy i was actually saying to my mate i wonder if its because the coco isnt giving it what it needs i will mix up a new feed with 2.5ml 2 one litre also if i bottle the litre up and leave it in my tent will it be fine? should i also start adding my rootbastic aswell i was just bit scared of feeding them so young lol


Active Member
After feeding at full strength you could bring it back to half strength nutes from the second feeding on. That plant looks too young for full strength nutes yet. See how it recovers and work from there. Never used Rootbastic...I'm guessing start it in a week at half strength but I could be wrong on that...
You could keep it in the tent but make sure it's light proof. Light will cause algae in the water. If you could get an airstone in there to aerate the water it would help too.
thanks might hold off the rootbastic for a while very strong stuff 0.1ml per litre is minimum i usually keep eye on my water can usually smell when its going bad


Well-Known Member
I try to keep my pH for coco at 6.0. Coco is sort of like hydro, except it isn't - but that's around the recommended range. Also be sure you are using decent buffered and pre-flushed coco because of the salts in the cheap stuff. Coco also tends to suck up calcium and magnesium, so a supplement is recommended.


Well-Known Member
I use the GH kit. However, I switched to dechlorinated tap and the current mix of nutrients I used brings it close to 6 before any pH adjusting. Your results will be different, of course.

If the pH of the water is too far from what the plant and grow medium needs, the plant will not absorb nutrients properly. So, what might seem like a deficiency could be a nutrient lockout. In an inert medium like coco and in hydro, pH is perhaps more important to get right
i havent ph'ed for a while will ph my water again when i dig out pen am i right in thinking some ppl use natural ingredients to balance ph i think i may have to take a trip to my local shop when hes back open n see what he has thanks always appreciate some help from ppl with knowledge :)