Nirvana - blue mystic autoflower - pics

I just recieved my seeds in the mail. It's going to be my first official grow. ( I tried last year *with bagseeds* and it was a fluke)
So I have a question. Basically the bigger the pot you put your plants in the the bigger the plants grow. At least that is what I observed on these forums. My question is what gal size should I use 3 gal or 5 gal buckets. It's going to be an outdoor grow,and my only concern about the 5 gal buckets is if I would be wasting resources.since it is an autoflower I don't know if the 5 gal is overkill. Would I be able to get a good yield with a 3 gal?

Also I'm going to be posting pics of the babies once they're germ'd and growing. So stick around.


Active Member
The answer to your questions is yes and no. Ruderalis aka auto strains are actually small plants that flower rapidly so they do not have much time for growth on the veg side (like 2 weeks) then they start flowering.

Now sativa and indicas you can veg as long as you want in a controlled environment. The longer you veg the bigger the plant; however a Sativa will be bigger than an Indica with all things being equal.

As far as pots go with the auto flowers I can not see needing anything bigger than 2 gallons. With the others you want to start with a small pot and move up a min of 2 times maybe even three depending on how long you veg. Remember that at a point nutrients are used up and it is time to repot the plant and a seedling will need mild nutes, a small plant stronger nutes and finally a flowering plant will need the different mix of N and P.


Just did my first auto in a 5 Gal Bucket because of all the hype - The autopsy of the root system showed that even with the deeper tap root, the bucket was excessive - next grow i'm cutting back to 2 gal. A Gallon per Foot is a good rule of Thumb. IMO My 22" 60 Day Wonder would have been happier in a 2 Gallon Pot.


Well-Known Member
I use 2gal. for most of my autos indoors. .. have used everything from 2liter bottles to 5 gal buckets and mine do just as good in 2 gal as they do in 5gal so I don't waste the extra soil...but I have been working with a bush pheno that takes 5 gal... I would say 2-3 gal for most autos and 5 gal for the bigger strains...


Well-Known Member
Hi, just found your thread and hope things work out for you. I got Blue Mystics growing at 5.5 weeks now, they are in DWC 18 gal tote filled to 15 gals. I have them under 312 watts of mixed CFL's and I'm using GH Floragrow, micro and bloom, add Diamond nectur and Kool bloom with Dynagro Protek. Here is what they look like View attachment 2197247View attachment 2197248 the root mass can get quite extensive as you can see. Good luck with your grow.

Happy Growing!!!