NL 3 wks Flwr, 1st grow


Active Member
Hey, long time lurker on another account – but this is my first real post on the site. I’m paranoid as hell but I really need a little advice at what I feel to be a crucial time in my plants’ lives.

Some background on the grow:

400W HPS supplemented with 75W of CFL(side lighting mostly)

Fox farms happy frog soil

No nutes(thus far)

Tap water

3 plants in 5 Gl pots, 5 in 2Gl and a few more in 1Gl, but they are tiny.

Northern Lights grown from seed. 20/4 for 6 weeks, 12/12 3 weeks thus far.

The grow is set up in a 5x4 closet, but has shelves so its slightly smaller in practice. This being my first grow I only planted 3 of my seeds to start. Grew those for 2 weeks, and whien I was convinced I wouldn’t kill them I planted 7 more. 3 weeks later I germinated and planted the last 5 seeds.

Out of the first 3, only one turned out to be female, but she turned out to be a monster. 3 weeks into flowering she stands at 37 in with nearly 20 tops.

Much to my elation, the 2nd round of plants turned out 6 girlys. The two best looking(including a very leafy ‘triple node’ strain that is more of a novelty to me than anything) were transplanted into 5 gallon buckets. Both are now 3ft tall. The other plants in that round were up in 2 gl pots(I know they’re small but 3 weeks into flowering wouldn’t it be more determental to transplant???) those plants grew single cola stems because I was to scared to train anything while they were younger. The spears look great though, with a nice little nug forming on top.

Lastly there were the 5 youngest plants. These only vegged for about 2 weeks before I induced flowering. I know you can go 12/12 from seed with sativas, so I figured it wouldn’t prove fatal to go ahead(Plus I my closet was getting full with the plants, as I hadn’t sexed any of them yet.) Of those last 5 seeds, 4 were female, albeit very much smaller than the other.
So grand total 11 beautiful girls , and at 3 weeks flowering they are making my mouth water.
I have a few old Pics I’ll post nowbut they are about a week old. The sun doesn’t rise until 9est on my eden, so whenever the beautys wake up ill get you guys some fresh pictures.

OK, now that we are on the same page(I hope) I have a few questions/crys for help.
I know I have done a terrible terrible thing in not giving these plants any food. They have shown N def since seedling, but that was partly due to the shitty shitty walmart soil that I through I could get by with(lurk more eh?) After getting the fox farms the mild N def started to subside. Now I hear that happy frog is more of a empty medium than the other fox farms soils, but it did enough to keep em alive thus far. Now im adding nutes! Hooray! I bought some botnicare pure blend pro(1.5 – 4 – 5) which on my VERY meger budget will get me through for just a bit until I can get some more stuff. Anyone know anything about these nutes? Any Low cost recommendations to improve yield/ quality of plants? Anything, advice, questions, whatever. I have talked to no one about these plants, so this is the first feedback im getting ^_^.

Without further adeau, here are 4 pic of my plants as of 1 week ago. Ill get more pictures of the room as well as updated bud porn once the lights come on.

Thanks for your time


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU :hump:

You should take that last pic...the one with them all lined up. Yeah so take that pic and have a window sticker made for your back window. Like the ones with the family and dog....


Active Member
You should take that last pic...the one with them all lined up. Yeah so take that pic and have a window sticker made for your back window. Like the ones with the family and dog....
Believe me, a mantle oil painting would be great. kind of an awkward conversation piece though

Got the beans from BCseedking. they were great and the seeds arrived very stealth like. 15/15 germinated. Im waiting for my camera to charge(and my dealer to text me >_<) Once i get a little charge in it ill take some more pictures. like 15 mins.


Active Member
OK, just finished taking pictures. Posting em now.

Also found some earlier pictures and am going to make a grow journal over in the section. ill link in profile when im done

Got a bunch of bud shots, also some shots showing my full set up, as well as some nutrient deficiency. let me know what you guys think!
should i be using those CFL clip lights differently?
How you you make spear plants like that yield the most?




Active Member
A few new pictures. The 400W is penetrating farther into the canopy than i thought. They seem to grow every day and its a joy to open the door every night to see em.
does anyone recognize this strain as NL? i figure they were legit seeds but one can't be sure!

there are more hairs every day!

any feedback appreciated.




Active Member
Lights are off right now. when they come on at 8 ill post some pictures.
Sucks though because i have been having some nute problems. I think its mostly because they didn't have any P and K during veg. But they are showing it now.
The buds still look good though...
