NL5 Haze Mist


Well-Known Member
I am considering growing this strain for my next grow, but i cant find much information on it besides what GHS posts. They advertise a quick flowering (11week) haze cross with near 20% THC content. This sounds far to good to be true, coming from a strain that is almost completely unreported on the web. In fact, i cannot find a singe NL5 Haze grow journal, anywhere. I am tempted to grow it soley for this reason, plus the hype from GHS, although, we all know how seed banks tell "green" lies.
So, how is this possible from a strain that has been available for more than 2 years?
Has anyone grown this strain before?
Should i ad it to my list, or is it another bust like the Alaskan ice :evil:


Active Member
I grew NL5XHaze and it took 70 days to flower, flower clones once rooted, very good smoke uplifting high well worth it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply john, glad to hear that it flowered so fast for you. Just wondering, were you able to keep it small or normal sized as well? I just saw the GHS vid for NL% haze and they grow a proper tree out of it, which would not suite my closet at all.