No High


Active Member
I want to buy Legal Bud and mix it with something that can make me more high and taste better, Can someone help me get a idea.??


Well-Known Member
You see this is a forum for the real illegal substance....Now say the big word with Mike!


Go buy some Real Weed instead of buying some stuff that pulled out of someone's lawnmower and pack that shit down and smoke it.


Active Member
Going to have to say perhaps invest in a little grow room and experiment growing your own bud.

I'm assuming you would like your weed to last a little longer? Grow a stronger strain, and enjoy it don't whore it down ;) It's a matter of time before you'll be looking for stronger stuff, so may as well check out some seed banks and you know...

You get the idea ;)


New Member
I want to buy Legal Bud and mix it with something that can make me more high and taste better, Can someone help me get a idea.??
Theres this stuff called Salvia Ive never tried. I've heard mixed reviews. Some people had really really bad trips on it. But given a youtube video I saw of a kid taking Salvia - It does not look like good safe shit. It doesnt seem to act like marijauna. And who knows, years from now we can find out it makes your balls rot off.

Better play it safe and see your local greenthumb.


Active Member
salvia is definitely a psychoactive plant. it produces a short, intense weird kind of trip. you can get it at headshops, usually.