No till


New Member
hello i am starting to get ready to do my first grow i plan put seeds in dirt in six months mean while id like to use this time to build up my soil in my no till garden im looking for suggestions on a good starting soil something very basic that i can build up myself...

Kevin the Great

Well-Known Member
What are you starting with? Is this a vegetable garden that you've been maintaining with compost yearly for the past 20 years? Is this an old piece of lawn that will be garden for the first time ever this year? What does your soil look like? Clay? No till? Ever?
A little more info please.


New Member
no i will be starting in fabric pots from scratch starting as a veggie garden and then going into Herb so i wondering if there a nice clean base soil i can start with to add to my lava rocks rice hulls earth worms and red wigglers i just want this to be a very clean soil that contains peat moss NO PERLITE i wanna start an all organic no till grow in about six months but right now i wanna start by growing veggies and my cover crops creating compost and feeding my soil before i start my ladies also if you can give any suggestions of good bugs to enter into my soil any info would help thank you