Noob question about topping plants


Active Member
When topping plants for the two colas on top, all videos and books seem to say to go 2 nodes down and snip. Is it possible to get the same result by going further down the plant to make the cut? My reasoning behind wanting to do this is to get an even canopy since some plants are a bit taller than others. Just want to make sure I'm not doing anything I will regret later.

Thanks for the info


Well-Known Member
Yeah, sure. You can also cut the first node if you want to keep the shorter ones taller. They'll still split into two. :)


Active Member
Ya, Ive gone 4 nodes down before also. Check out the thread "Topping and Fimming 101." good info here with pics. youtube also has some good video's on various methods of topping, both on smaller plants and larger 5' plus plants. Good luck