Noob Setup Confusion


Active Member
OK, so i have a basic setup in mind. It consists of 4 kitty litter boxes that will each contain rockwool slabs. On top of these there will be rockwool cubes. I have heard that emptying and rinsing the resevoirs every ~ 2 weeks or so is recommended. I am not sure the best way to accomplish emptying and rinsing in this setup. Would a set up with kitty litter boxes inside a bigger common resevior with a pump and drip tubes/hoses be more practical and easier to flush every couple of weeks?


Well-Known Member
no offense man but if you haven't grown before and are a newb, this is to complex of a set up for ya

get some cfls and some rubbermaids and go at it lol

cause that set up will put ya back

also hydro related set ups are not forgiving like soil


Well-Known Member
monkee is right...........but i started with hydro, and I'm doing just fine. you don't need to start with soil. your setup sounds fine.... but yes, you need a seperate res, and that is what you clean and change every couple weeks, the kitty litter pans you will clean out after each harvest( or whenever they are empty)

so follow what you are thinking (well, what you posted you are thinking) and you will be fine. just make sure and do as much research as you can handle before starting, and then do some more. then start.


Well-Known Member
yeah sorry if i seemed hard on the hydrostuff

just dont know much about it and my friends when they attempt it they seem to fuck it up lol


Well-Known Member
well, it's hard to start...... but not if you do your research first..... people just rush into things, and thats how they fuck it up.


Well-Known Member
haha thats great... i did mine all stoned as well..... maybe just payed a bit more attention to what I was doin. although i have flooded my basement a couple times.... not very bad, but had to clean it up none the less


Well-Known Member
Best advice is don't try to improvise so much on your first grow your going to have problems as it is starting out everyone does. Use a tried and true method and your attempt won't end in with a miserable male plant thats falls over and kills itself after six months of veg because you never switched the light cycle. I've seen this shit happen and it ruins a new growers confidences Good Luck but I would do the DWC shit man and grow some monsters