NORML Global Marijuana March May 1st


Active Member
Was wondering if anyone else is going to be attending the Global Marijuana March? I will be attending the Dallas march. It starts at 11:30am in front of city hall down town. I also Know the locations and contact info for all the other cities that are participating. Over 300 in total. If any of you want some info regarding your nearest major city then just ask me. You could also probly check NORML's website. I am very excited and hope lots of people show up. In order for us to get the ball rolling on total decriminalization then we all need to participate in events like this. The more people who get on board with this, the sooner we can get what we all want.

I dont know if all the cities plan on having an after party but I know Dallas is. :mrgreen:

If anyone out there plans on attending the march then please post something in this thread so we can get an idea on how much of RIU is supporting the cause.

:mrgreen: :peace: :hump:


Do you know if there's gonna be one in San Antonio?


Active Member
Do you know if there's gonna be one in San Antonio?
I dont see anything for San Antonio but both Austin and Corpus Christi are participating.
For Austin you can email [email protected] or call 512-553-0420 or 512-653-4499 for more info.
For Corpus email oscar at [email protected] or call 361-765-0688 for more info.

If anyone else would like info please feel free to ask. I have neglected participating in the fight for the cause for to long and would now like to do everything I can to help :eyesmoke: I would love to see Texas legalize in the next 2 or 3 years no less the rest of the free world :mrgreen:


Active Member
I will be attending the Toronto marijuana march!
Right on guys glad to hear it! Sure it will be a good time up there we know how you canadians do! :-) Anybody else? Hope there are more people from RIU attending. I personally cant wait to march around in public yellin about how much I love weed. :bigjoint:


Active Member
Yo peoples anybody want to legalize pot, weed, cannabis, marijuana. I know I do. Lets get this done right!!


Active Member
Im gonna keep pumping this thread til May. We need all the help we can get. If any of you guys want some info for your city just ask me.


Active Member
OK Im back to continue Bumbing this thread. Maybe I should start another thread with a more catching title. I know if you put something like " 1,000,000,000 watt grow Yield 30 pounds with pics!!! " People will read it then. Wish everyone one was as enthusiastic about this as I am. Well I will be walking around the streets of Fort Worth Today with the NORML clan puting up posters and talking to people about the march. Im trying here guys, but cant do it alone :-(


Active Member
Ok well I left this one alone for a little while do to lack of interest from everyone. So I figured I would bump it a couple of times and see if I could reignite some spark of interest. I really want to promote every one out there to participate no matter where you live. You dont even have to be a smoker. I know one guy who is going because he has 2 sons who both smoke and he doesnt want to see them get into anymore trouble because of something as harmless as weed. I know it might be hard to find a way to get there or to get time off but at least try to promote some of your friends to go. Come on guys this is important to the whole country. We could potentially boost our economy back to a respectable level. This is a cause worth attending. I recently heard a statistic stating that approximately 80% of americans smoke cannabis and 70% of them are to embarrassed to admit it. They are worried about being ridiculed by there family, friends, and afraid of losing there jobs. I dont blame them but if we could get just half of those people to fight for the cause then it would be impossible to lose. Think about it, Just here in Dallas there is something like 4,000,000 people and 80% of which smoke. So we have 3,200,000 smokers and half of that is 1,600,000. Imagine if 1.6 million people marched down the streets of downtown Dallas protesting. We would literally shut Dallas down. Tell me that wouldnt make an impact! Please guys I cant stress how important this is.