not growing


put my two clones of tora bora in the ground bout 4 weeks ago still the same height but looks to growing flowers why aint it growing up


Well-Known Member
well you have got no answers because you are giving no details in your 25 word post. Put a little effort into it.

So I will guess you have them outside? right

They need light for 18 hrs plus a day right now. This will force them to grow.
Give us some details on what you are doing and maybe we can help. Good luck JR


Active Member
how did you plant? did you give them a good base of soil mix? giving them any nuts??? more info will help you out alot more!!


they are planted in ocean forrest, i was told was good, then before i transplanted i had them in the sun a couple hours couple in the shade to not burn the plant now 4 weeks later they are the same height. the color is green so they look healthy but not growing


Well-Known Member
prob just developing a root system if ya took the last 4 weeks there has been like ZERO growth?
also what strain is it? this can effect growth rates dramatically