Nutrient burn maybe? Need help, new to growing


Active Member
Okay so I found this website following along with the guy who did the PC Grow Box and decided to make my own, so far so good but now I'm running into a problem, i started out with two plants germinated the paper towel method and am doing a soil grow. I'm using those standard red plastic party cups with drain holes at the bottom. for lighting im using 3 CFL's that i've rigged up to be able to get as close to the plant as i can. My largest plant is still growing but it seems like the bottom leaves (not the round but the first set of pointy leaves) looks like their starting to die off and the tips of thee other largest leaves are starting to slightly curl up a bit and turn a bit brown. the plant is still growing though and the new leaves look completely healthy. I know that old leaves will eventually die off towards the bottom of the plant as well but it seems too early in a grow for that to happen being that i'm just now coming to about a week and 2 days into the grow. I think my soil is probably the problem because i'm using the dreaded miracle grow soil with time release nutes but right now its the only option I have. any suggestions on the best way to wing it and try to make these kids survive? i think the soil might be releasing nutes now and burning my plants. i'll get pictues as soon as my phone is charged.


Active Member
im not experienced with cfls but it could be the cfls burning them and on top of that you shouldnt use nutrients at all while plants are young... as far as i know anyway...

also ive heard around here that the miracle grow soil is fine but i could be wrong...

im still pretty new so wait for someone else to comment lol...



Well-Known Member
Make sure where they are Is ventilated well and have a fan and shit on them, The keep the CFL's an inch away and you shouldnt have any problems. Heat wise anyways. Mabye some pics?


Active Member
I have a PC fan wired to an AC adapter in there to blow in front of the cups constantly. but i dont have an outtake fan in there yet, its a little warm in there but i don't think heat is a problem because i usually open the case up atleast 3 times a day to vent it out a bit. I haven't put any extra nutes in it, just whatever nutrients were provided in this miracle grow crap i'm using. here are a few pictures of the setup and my two plants. i'm pretty sure they are two different plants. this is my first time growing to see if i can get something working, i've got materials for a scrog setup as soon as the plants get bigger, if they make it that far. i didnt buy fertilizer for the veg stage yet because im leery about burning the plants but i do have some for flowering when i get there. I would just really like to see this to be a success, and i will be transplanting as soon as i get the chance to get different pots, any recommendations for this kind of setup?

