Nutrient Deficiency Through Possible Lock Out?


I am doing a repost this time with pics to attract more initial interest any help is really appreciated I will give a follow up of how everything goes and when I figure this out I will continue to help others on here as well! :confused::weed:

Hello and thanks for taking the time to read this. I had a small closet grow going while I was getting my grow room ready. The plants all seemed healthy in the small closet except the bottom leaves wanted to go crispy and lose color yellowing and even turning white on one. I moved them into the completed room and after coming home from work the next day they were all drooping bad. 4 plants are soil and 4 are in a DWC unit I made. Its using GH floragrow and the Ph is always monitored with a dripper kit to be at 6. Each 4 plants have their own cfl light unit I built producing 12000 lumens. The lights are side by side so most of the escaping light shines on the neighboring plants. The temp is 70-75 not over 80 ever at canopy. The humidity is 35-50%. I am using MG 6 month potting soil and water every 3-6 days when soil is completely dry. I am admittedly new to this and any help is appreciated. I will post pics after work. I gave the soil ones a mini 1/2 dose splash of cactus food to increase potassium and phosphorus.

I am using daylights bulbs, and the closet I moved them from was 95+ constantly at the canopy and the plants were fine with that. I checked my tap its 7 Ph awatering it sit overnight before watering. The soil was also tested too its roughly showing a hair under 7. I had a plastic drop that I removed yesterday too incase it was upsetting the plants.

I am using 16 23 watt 6500k daylight cfl bulbs now, in the closet they were all doing well with exactly 1/2 that amount of light ( again all 6500k daylights). I have the lights roughly 2-5 inches away. I am vegging 24/0 to sustain room temp. I believe my Ph is kept at 6 but I have to check my bottle I know I use a drop kit to test and I do every couple days tops it always goes a lil more alkaline and I add Ph down till its perfect. The soil bound plants I only water when the soil is dry. I painted the room two days prior but it was bone dry in there and use a bug barrier spray a day before it ofcourse also was bone dry and was suited for spraying along bushes perkmiters outside or inside and is pet safe when dry.

A couple pics day after I moved plants

The closet was a very small 2 foot tall cubbyhole and had the door shut with no fan. They were all perky and happy. The new room is 7 foot tall and about 8 by 10 feet wide. It has no fan and is fairly airtight but I left an almost 2 inch gap upder the door. I am having a hard time finding a small fan and they are still only 3-4 inches tall or so

The smallest of the plants is showing a purple color taking over in the white leaves. The one biggest plant I gave a drink of cactus food high in potassium and potash seems to be the healthiest color and its been stunted for about 5 days seems to be less droopy now ( its the least droopy of them now ) and is working on making another branch set pop out between the original set of bottom leaves.

The next day This was yesterday today it's much worse This is my set up I will answer any questions and help everyone also when I learn more bout caring for these babies. here's another pic of them from the side showing curl. These are all from yesterday I will post more today to compare to. the lil plant in the red cup I took out of the DWC because I think all the plants in there got root rot and want to see if it will take root in soil. The have been in the DWC for near two weeks no trace of root development here's what they looked like yesterday
Yesterday ßI am posting some pics from a few minutes ago now. I am new to this but I really am adamant about it. I was born on a farm where my parents grew, I am but a young man and they are all deceased now. I feel ironically at peace when tending to the plants even though I have admitedly never so much as cared for a flower in a vase before. Here's the light configuration, I am pretty happy with my design I feel its close enough and is on yo yos so I was hoping to be adjusting daily sigh. here's a pic under my dwc lid to show no roots growing barely and tan brown color. Cups sit with just a 1/8 of an inch water touching them at bottom. Two air pumps even. I sadly also found this lil intruder running on a pot! I have a bug barrier spray, must have already been with the plants? Has lil wings reminds me of a fruit fly? a close up of the littlest worst soil plant started to turn major purple today on leaves that yellowed to white last couple weeks. I used mg seed starter for all the soil plants then transplanted to mg 6 month. Here's the biggest plant which was growing super fast up till this point! Small nodes are trying to form but nothing substantial no height. It was in a cup of seed starter till it got a good ammount of visible roots all around they were nice n white.
Here's a pic of the bug whilst alive and a good pic of my best lil plant it wont.get taller.


I decided to flush the worst looking purple of the little plants but all I have is tap I had a roughly 1 1/2 times the pot worth of water that has sat out for a few days and I ran a little initial tap through it about a pots size worth right from my tap ( my water is ph 7 always and hasn't a hint of chlorine that I know ) then I ran the rest of the water I had sitting out through the pot. I tested the initial run off of the water which was PH 7 and the end water which was still PH 7. The water first came out a very very yellowed color, the end water I tested was near clear. I put this little plant into my little closet cubby, to get better air flow and the humidity in there with 24/0 lighting sits at 15-30% so I hope to dry the soil more quickly this way and to allow the plant a chance to show me whats going on quicker I can't feed or anything right now cause the soil is sopping wet. I ripped the bottom tray off of it as it attached via 3 of the possible 6 drain holes. It looks sad and near dead, if I bring it back I will have truly mastered this... Sooo I am putting more hope on the better looking larger plants as I assume they can take more abuse, I may fubar my yield but even if I can keep them alive and bring them back I do not care how long it takes or if they will never be a super plant, pretty much got attached to these and reallllly want to not have them die. I have 8 more seeds floating in a glass of distilled water right now from yesterday that I will check on after work today, a plan B. I will go downstairs in a little bit to take pictures from today I haven't saved up the nerve to see how they look after having slept ( I now find myself going to look at them every few hours in concern when awake ).

I just went down and will post pics from my phone on lunch at work showing the plants. The largest of the plants that I gave a booster drink of cactus food (high in phosphorus and potassium low in nitrogen) last time because its showing multiple deficiency signs and at the same time it's clawing on me is pumping out multiple new branches right at the node of the first dead leaves. I assume this is good because it shows development and at the same time probably shows the plants leaves at bottom finally died the whole way and aren't pulling nutrients I don't mind this except I fear its now trying for the next set up. So I have been doing additional testing and found that even though the base of the canopy is steady in the 70s the table level where the pots sit is only 60 and the pots feel colder than the table. I have a seed germinating pad that I put under three of the four pots to see if that helps them. I wonder if soil is actually even below the temp at table base? If so it be in the 50s, and would make it stunt and lock out nutes right? Which would explain why the largest plant regardless of the boost I gave the it would be doing the least droop, more soil more stable temp. The other pots are just starter pots and they may well be near freezing. I put a thermometer in the water of the DWC unit too and it read 61 degrees! I see a small root about 1 inch that formed from one of them that started with roots in the water though the rest have not moved.


Well-Known Member
lol ok ill elaborate now that i see you think your uses delay release pellets so the more you water the more your releasing nutrients..your not need to repot these into some nice organic soil or at least something with no additives if you choose chem ferts....


Well-Known Member
I wish someone would put into detail a good thread about miracle grow and WHY its not a good base for cannabis. Well cannabis you intend to use for medicine anyway. My advice to the op is this, start from scratch(with your feeding them anything) let them recover a bit and go with organic tea's, if you should need a simple recipe here ya go.
Veg mix-
1/3 cup Peruvian Seabird Guano (PSG)
1/3 cup High N Bat Guano (Mexican)
1/3 cup Earth Worm Castings (EWC)
5 tsp. Maxicrop 1-0-4 powdered kelp extract
(That makes the "dry mix". You can make all you want and save it to use later.)
Mix with water @ 1 cup of dry mix into 5 gallons of water to make the tea.
To that 5 gallons of tea add:
5 tbs. Liquid Karma
5 tbs. Black Strap Molasses
Use it to water with every 3rd watering.

Flowering nute tea mix:
2/3 cup Peruvian Seabird Guano
2/3 cup Earth Worm Castings
2/3 cup High P Guano (Indonesian or Jamaican)
5 tsp. Maxicrop 1-0-4 powdered kelp extract
(That makes the "dry mix". You can make all you want and save it to use later.)
Mix with water @ 2 cups of dry mix into 5 gallons of water to make the tea.
To that 5 gallons of tea add:
5 tbs. Liquid Karma
5 tbs. Black Strap Molasses
Use it to water with EVERY watering.

if you want beautiful girls you gotta take care of em my man!


I will drop my watering down, they were all started in MG seed starter and loved that stuff. I have the two small pots filled with mg organic. They are doing the worst and are purple. No one thinks my soil being in the 50-60 range is a factor? They had a little burn when in the closet at 90 degrees+ but now are drooping and curling... no curl or droop before just slight burn. Instant droop and curl in 24 hours of moving them to new set up.


Well-Known Member
To help curl when lights go out mist with water...MG seed starter is ok to use all the way through veg, you want to shoot for a good amount of Nitrogen to add during veg and then when you go to flower i'd use MG organic


Is there a soil to use with no added nutes to where I water them with 100% of the nutes myself. I need to keep things as cheap and simple as possible.


Well-Known Member
Seed starter has nothing in it which is why its good for veg but can be good in flower too if you add your own nutes


I didn't see your post sorry Robert. I will try to use a pot of seed starter to see how a plant does in it for veg. I have been tossing that idea around as it made a lil burn but the seeds I started in it blew away the seeds I started in plugs. If I use enough seed starter will it deplete to where I can also do a liquid feed? I was gonna start 4 seeds in mg seed starter and 4 seeds in jiffy seed starter. Might as well learn what I can. Another factor I though of which supports burn from to many chemicals is... It all started happening when I moved them so I have been thinking the only factor to change dramatically is temp. From 85-100 to being 60-85 maybe the issue is that I hadn't watered before the move I waited till after. The cold temp is keeping the soil wet longer (used to dry out in 24-48 hours) now they are having more ferts releasing and they are also cold so they are weaker too? They haven't been watered in 4 days now and are still some wet.


I toiled with the idea of using mg cactus soil or getting dirt from outside and running gallons of water(which first I run through a carbon filter) through it and baking it in the oven? Lol sounds extreme but seems like that would flush out pollutants and turn possible pests into organic food? Heh anyone ever trying anything that crazy? I just look at my sad plant and want more for it. I bought a 32 gallon tub and a 16 gallon tub that I am attaching to the top with a carbon filter I am making. Water will pass through the filter and will be allowed to sit in the reservoir till needed. This should remove any excess jarble my water has in it and give me plenty to use for whatever applications I need. Heck I could drink it even lol. I am letting my plants soil dry via a seed heating pad. I will take the filtered water and add ironite, burpee all natural sea kelp 0-15-11, and Superthrive to it. I am putting the mat on a timer to be on at night and off during the day. I have a little soil test kit (the floating pill in a bottle kind) to test nitrogen phosphorus and potassium as kind to get a rough estimate as I can't water frequently the plants aren't very thirsty right now. I hope to give the plants an adreniline shot to the heart with superthrive and make sure it's hooked up on life support with ironite 1-0-1 and seal kelp 0-15-11 input?


Well-Known Member
The droop is from overwatering. Use some hydrogen peroxide and don't water them to death. Be patient. If they are in soil, let them dry out completely before watering them again. When you do water them, you want about a 10% drip out the bottom of the container.

If you want them to dry out faster use hydrogen peroxide. They will use the water a lot faster.

If they are in hydroton, just flood them once a day until you see roots hanging out the bottoms of the pots.

I would use water only until they spread roots. Adding exotic supplements is unnecessary and can cause lockouts. Keep it simple.


Well-Known Member
You can mix it with the one its in now to dilute it a bit but you'll need a ppm/ec meter to add your own long til you flower