Nutrient Lock Out?

Hi I am a newbie to growing but a friend of mine said if the CF of the res goes up then the plants need to be flushed as they have locked out but I read somewhere else that plants drink more water than nutrients anyway so it will rise sometimes.

Does the res just need to be topped up with water when the CF rises or is my friend right in saying the plants need to be flushed when the CF rises as they have locked up?

Thanks for your help


Well-Known Member
whats CF? if you are refering to parts per million or total dissolved solids then yes, when the strength of your nutrient solution rises top off with plain water. the main reason of why it rises is the plants are taking up more water faster than nutes, no need to flush unless the plants are showing deficiencies. you can also start off with less nutrients and raise accordingly


Well-Known Member
yes, no need to flush. But you definitely need to keep you PH under control or you will most certainly experience nutrient lock out...I'm speaking from experience on that one. heheh.



Active Member
I believe he is asking if the ph spikes and the plant goes into nutrient lock out, then do you need to flush? I would say just adjust the ph if it spiked too hi and watch the plant. It will soon show you if it needs your help. Hopefully someone can explain it better and simpler. help me out here.


Well-Known Member
I believe he is asking if the ph spikes and the plant goes into nutrient lock out, then do you need to flush? I would say just adjust the ph if it spiked too hi and watch the plant. It will soon show you if it needs your help. Hopefully someone can explain it better and simpler. help me out here.
I think you said it just fine, actually. If the PH spikes in either direction, then adjust it. But I do not believe that in the event of a PH spike it is necessary to flush the plants. you'd just be losing time. Like you said, they will show you when they need help...


Well-Known Member
What up oregon?
Not a lot man. My lights are about to turn on and then I'm gonna go tend my garden. I can't wait....I'm that excited. heheh.

Anyways, if we're going to have off topic conversations, let's use the private message function....Cool? Later.