ok, i'm tired of searching the forums.. I need sum help please.. !!

i'm new here.. and i just have a simple question.. how do you ventilate a grow tent.. ? Currently I have my ventilation setup like this.. Window, plywood & a 6" Backdraft damper, 6"a/c reflector-fan/carbon filter.. I have my fan/carbon filter on the outside of my tent.. And how in the fuck do I hang a 6" Valueline fan in my tent.. I tried early but I dropped the fan & dented it.. Wtf.. ?! I'm frustrated and could use alil help please.. Thankyou in advance..


Active Member
filter goes inside the tent. Duct the filter to extracter, extracter can be inside or outside the tent. Duct the other side of extactor to exit point for stae air. Your tent now has negative pressure, when zipped up, your walls will pull inwards. Now use some more duct and run it from fresh air source into the tent, the negative pressure in tent wil draw the fresh cool air into ya tent. Tighten up all area where ducting goes in and out..... job done.

I hang my fans on chain or use cable ties to cross beams in tent.


Active Member
try putting the extract fan anf filtet inside the tent, you need to suck air out not blow it out. that will help..
filter goes inside the tent. Duct the filter to extracter, extracter can be inside or outside the tent. Duct the other side of extactor to exit point for stae air. Your tent now has negative pressure, when zipped up, your walls will pull inwards. Now use some more duct and run it from fresh air source into the tent, the negative pressure in tent wil draw the fresh cool air into ya tent. Tighten up all area where ducting goes in and out..... job done.

I hang my fans on chain or use cable ties to cross beams in tent.
Thankyou.. You wouldn't happen ta have a pic you could share, so I can get a visual would ya.. ?


Active Member
Thankyou.. You wouldn't happen ta have a pic you could share, so I can get a visual would ya.. ?
I have a different rig using cool tubes.

filter ------> cool tube ------> cool tube ------> cool tube -------> extractor

Keep your fiter up high to pull the hot air out and your air inlet down low. I also put a fan right ontop of my inlet to spread good clean air around my pots.