One of my buddies is going away for a long time....


Well-Known Member
Fuck that sucks... Sounds like they had an impressive grow op.

My question is... How did an 18 year old, and a 23 year old University student pool together enough money to rent a house in a "nice" neighborhood and pay the $900 a month power bills, plus going to University?

Sounds fishy to me, or someone was using these kids as a front.


Active Member
Fuck that sucks... Sounds like they had an impressive grow op.

My question is... How did an 18 year old, and a 23 year old University student pool together enough money to rent a house in a "nice" neighborhood and pay the $900 a month power bills, plus going to University?

Sounds fishy to me, or someone was using these kids as a front.
+1 to that lol but it says that he had recently bought the home


He owns a small business too, probably used that as his front. That and lots of cash :P. It was bought actually (mortgage.)

I'm disappointed that he was dumb enough to have a 900 dollar electric bill. Smart guy but drops the ball every now and then...

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
They always try to make it seem like they are doing the suspects a favor.

Police say the biggest danger in an operation like this is that it generates a huge amount of money and that generates people who want that money and could cause home invasions, robberies or burglaries.

Thanks for not allowing men with guns to storm my house and steal my garden...o wait you didn't. Hypocrites stop using kids to try and tug at people's emotions.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Ink that is cold
Yes it is, and so isnt the pen. It was a joke dude.

For the OP, your friend getting inked up is not going to help him if//when he gets locked up. It can cause him more problems. Trust me I tattoo for a living and have tattooed more than a few cons. Certain images (swastika, iron cross, shamrock etc.) have MUCH different meaning on the inside. I can tell you w/ 100% certainty that if he wears a swastika or a shamrock in the pen and hasnt earned it it will cost him dearly.