One plant is drooping a lot, 2 weeks in, thoughts?

It's my first grow and I'm looking for some advice on this problem. Yesterday morning I watered the plant. I've been watering basically every 2-3 days, waiting for the top inch or so to get dry and crusty enough that I can move it around. My grow box is pretty cool, around 76 I think.

The plant is in normal soil, no additives at the moment. I had been giving a bit of nitrogen feed. I put just a half squirt on last friday, a teeny bit more monday. It responded really well.

So on Wednesday's watering, I put a full squirt and a half of nitro into the cup. A little bit got on the leaves which explains the white spots. They come off with a gentle swab of a q-tip so that I dont think is a real issue. this watering may have been a bit too much, the water pooled for a few seconds before receding.

This morning that plant was really droopy. My guess is the watering. It doesn't look burnt but the leaves look fat in the middle and thin on the edges. Some of the edges are curling up. Oddly the bottom leaves look ok and the topmost ones look alright but the pairs of 3 on the outside are the ones suffering the most.

Any thoughts here.SAM_1521.jpg



Well-Known Member
I wouldnt feed a plant that size ANYTHING.

Put it in a bigger pot and give it water ph'd at the correct value for your nutrient regime usually around 6.5-6.8.

In decent soil I dont begin feeding until about a week into flower after almost a month of veg.

Flush the soil through with ph'd water and repot, then keep just feeding water.

Bear in mind that a squirt of nutrient is a hellova lot for such a little plant, I dont think I give my plants more than a drop maybe a tipple but certainly not a squirt lol.

Hope that helps,

I don't think it's too long and stretchy. And I have plenty of light in there. Got 4 CCFLs right over top plus 4 bulbs in the corners putting out a bunch of light. It's like 10k lumens total.

Well I got home and it looked worse, some browning starting in some of the bad leaves. I followed your advice mouse and put it in a big pot with my soil mix and flushed it out in its cup before doing so.

We'll see what happens. I'll definitely NOT repeat that mistake with the other one.


Well-Known Member
Honestly this is nothing other than over eager feeding. I'm sure you'll never do it again though lol.

Feed plants when they are hungry, they really dont eat much. Think about how much nutrient you give them over the course of the grow cycle and bear in mind that only something silly like 2.5 percent of the plant is the nutrients you put it. Suddenly its quite a lot.

My best advice is just to try and run them on the mild side, keep them hungry. You give an overfed guy a meal he doesnt care but someone who is hungry now thats a different story !

Just get the knack for being able to tell when they need a feed. I very rarely have to feed in veg I normally wait until the beginning of flower. I literally make my assuptions on when to feed based on the look of the leaves and how they are looking on the day the pots finish drying out from the time before.

My critical mass have had 2 mild feeds so far and they are storming :)

Hopefully you will be fine mate, happy growing.

Thanks for the advice. I definitely think it's going to die, it's crispy now... Shame because it was doing really well.

But yeah having read more journals, I see most people don't give much in the way of nutes.

I suppose I got excited when it responded to the first shot of Nitro and kept rolling... The bag of my stuff does say every 10 days... I guess I shoulda read that.

Well live and learn, fortunately these are my practice seeds.


Well-Known Member
Plants are hardcore little bastards. Remove all offending soil and place into fresh (possibly pre flushed) soil. Watch and wait I have taken clones from a liddle bit of stem with nothing but crispy bits of leaf on it and brought them back from the brink.

If you think its gonna die, repot and dont worry about being brutal cleaning the roots just do what you need to do. If you think its definately gonna die then why not take extreme measures to save it.

Also I would switch to a grow bloom micro nutrient or a combination nutrient (like A/B type or something) with the relevant PK additives.

MJ is fussy with her ferts she likes good quality nutrients and you need quite a lot of control to balance everything right.

Also after looking at the pics ! Did you spill any nutrient on them ? that can quickly kill a plant.

See if you can save her. TLC will bring things thought long gone back from the brink !
