One plant is yellowing and lighter with tip burn .. any suggestions


What're you feeding her? Medium? Runoff PH? The only big worries I have to look oh for, personally (during flower), is PH(which I don't anymore because I switched to Advanced Nutrients PH Perfect line, all of you should too ��) and over feeding...if it's PH, you might be in nute lock-out, same if overfed...if she's underfed, simply hook her up next feed, and she'll be back on track by the next morning


Well-Known Member
Advanced nutrients are the worst line of nutes I have ever used. They are so garbage they stopped carrying them at the hydrogrow store here and will lecture you if you ask them for them.



  • I'm using 3 teaspoons of fox farms blog bloom ... i might have had the lights too close idk if that would do this .. my other plants are starting to get frosty but this one has not yet .. this is one of my other plants​



Advanced nutrients are the worst line of nutes I have ever used. They are so garbage they stopped carrying them at the hydrogrow store here and will lecture you if you ask them for them.
Well you can say that to my basement full of 7 foot can make that argument for any line, I've actually heard that about pretty much every line, it wasn't the nute for you, that's all you gotta say...otherwise you look silly, because I'm gaining insane results off AN, my last crop I yanked 430 grams off of one Critical Kush and averaged 380-400 grams for the other 25 PX and Jack the Ripper... rendering your little spiel useless, pics to come when the girls wake up tonight!


That sounds like a good move, should solve your problem pretty quick after 2-3 days, other gals look great! Looking at frosty buds never gets old haha